Practice and Provision: General issues
A general area for discussion, queries or suggestions
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- 1 reply
can you help me? please please please! What age (approx) do you think a child is able to match an object to its picture? I.e a bowl of pasta to a photo of the same bowl of pasta? Thanks in advance Laura x
- 4 replies
Hi We recently had to remove the climbing frame as it was not repairable. Today, it was decided we may receive a grant for a new one but only if the bid is in by tomorrow I don't know where to start! We are looking for a substantial frame wood or metal with a slide, which will be outside at all times. Not sure about cost but prob £1500 - £2500. Can anyone give me any websites that may help. Thanks very much in advance
Parents Workshop
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi there! We're having a workshop for our parents/carers a week on friday (17th Feb). Its basically just to get parents involved but also to give a bit of an insight into how we work (we are a FS unit by the way) and how children can learn through play. Our topic is toys so I thought we'd base the activities loosely on that theme but thats as far as I've got! Is there any body out there who has held a workshop who could offer some advice or even if you haven't any ideas for activities parents could do with their child? Also, I would like to display in each area a description of how the children can learn in that area (its something ive been meaning to do for ages any…
- 9 replies
Hi Food hygiene law January 2006. We have just passed our food hygiene inspection to enable us to be registered to provide food at snack time. We had to contact the Food safety officer at our local distrcit council. He told me that all groups that offer food even if it is just an apple have to be registered. Carol
Last reply by AnonyMouse_63, -
- 14 replies
The nursery I am working in at the moment is a long term placement, I've been there 4 weeks and have probably 8 weeks left to do. I am usually in the pre-school room with upto 16 3 and 4 yr olds, all lovely with one or two challenges. The problem I have is the staff, who are very friendly, have very little idea of FS. Last week I commented that I was so used to working in a playgroup that nursery life was a bit structured, to which the room leader replied 'It's what Ofsted want'. Today I was asked in front of the children if I thought J had been naughty, didnt I think he was disruptive? I had to be honest and say that I thought it might be the fact he and the children had…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Problem Solving In Maths
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I want to do some problem solving in maths with my 4-5 year olds, with a focus on the more able in small group work. Anybody got any good ideas please??? Trudie
by Guest- 18 replies
Hello there not sure if this is the right place to post in. This morning one of my Reception children found a live mouse in her tray . She had a bit of a shock but not much harm was done (we didn't catch the mouse). There was no food around but when I inspected the surrounding area I realised that nearly all the area around and all the children's trays contained a huge amount of mouse droppings. We have a spare classroom at school and the senior teacher (in heads absence) advised me for health and safety reasons to move in there with my class. We did and made the most of it. The head has called pest control person who will come tomorrow PM. She has tol…
Challenging More Able Chn
by Guest- 0 replies
Our Head is constantly asking how we challenge more able children. I have a few very able children in my year 1 class and obviously try to give them more challenging things to do. However, when i get them to work in pairs or in groups independently I find they do not work well and I am constantly interrupted by them which spoils it for my less able group. How do you challenge your more able children? I feel as well as challenging them they should be challenging themselves more.
Curriculum For Under 5s
by Guest- 10 replies
Did anyone see an item in last week's Guardian under the heading "What would you put on a national curriculum for under-fives"? A teacher suggested the following. "I think the idea is rubbish, ridiculous. I would wipe my child's bottom with any official national curriculum for pre-school children that came through my door! For under-fives, the main responsibility lies with the parents, the most important people in the child's life. Here is what should really be on their curriculum: Talking to them from birth, all the time, and taking their dummies out so they can talk back. Giving them a routine and the security of discipline. Not being afraid to say no; somebod…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Reading And Writing
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone, over the last half term I have been concerened with how many of the children in reception continue to write in capital letters and that their parents continue to encourage them at home to do this. Also there are parents who get hung up about how many words their children can read and ignore their comprehension when helping them to read. Any ideas all help gratefully received. Merry Christmas