Foundation Degree topics
Queries and discussion around the various Early Years Foundation Degree options
285 topics in this forum
Curriculum Guidance
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, i hope someone can help me. I am a bit unsure how to fit the EYFS into the Siraj-Blatchford (2004) framework. I am trying to find out if the EYFS is an open framework approach or and Child-centred approach. Who controls the curriculum? Who selects, paces and sequences the learning? Does the child/parents have more control or the educators and professionals within this framework. And also not sure about the classification. Is the curriculum content defined in terms of subjects? I believe that the EYFS fits in with the Child-centred approach, because the child is the main focus as i observe and access . I dont think the curriculum uses sujects, because it …
- 13 replies
How is everyone getting on with Tm03? I have done the tour. It involve just being led by the child and engaging his opinions on the various rooms. He was very vocal and got most of the information. I know a lot of people are using cameras as well. Would just having the verbal communication be ok? Also, my phase 2 just involve speaking to the parent and clarifying some details. Is this enough. l am so confused with this assignment.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Eyclo 6
by Guest- 8 replies
Any ideas for EYCLO 6 please (PSED)
- 18 replies
Being basically impatient I've been haunting my OU Student page - if you're waiting for this result have a look at yours, mine was there this morning. I actually managed to pass, even having misread a question that I thought was my best answer Phew, thank goodness there's no resit, not a bad grade, either
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Help In Finding A Case Study
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi to everyone, i need help in finding 2 case studies in healthy eating and safety for children in early years, i can find case studies for children out of this age group, but nothing on before at least age 5. I've looked at the usual websites any ideas please im getting desparate now.
- 15 replies
I'm writing an essay about my approaches to teaching and learning in mathematical development and I would like to argue that it is not appropriate to decide beforehand what a child will learn from a planned activity. I need to find someone who has an opinion I can quote about whether we should plan for learning outcomes or offer the activity then note what the child actually did learn. I can find nothing at the moment. If anyone has read anything which I can link to this or can throw any names my way I would be eternally grateful. Does it fit with the Reggio approach? I haven't read enough about it to know yet. Please help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 1 reply
I'm quite convinced that I saw something about multidisciplinary theorist on here over the past week or so....does anyone know what i am talking about?! I'd like to refer to some for my safeguarding assignment. thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
Please Help, Transitions
by Guest- 10 replies
i have an assignment to hand in tommorow and know i'm missing somthing obvious, first part was evaluating, fine and done. 2nd part is a leaflet for other practitioners her is a brief outline of what i have done so far my deffinition of transitions attachment - bowlby then ainsworth, then bad points of both theories come to conclusion positive experiences are key back up with anne oconnor, effective practice from eyfs then talk about support, usiong vygotsky's zone of proximal development and say could be applied to transitions, what the child already knows and what they need support to anticipate and go through then talk about treating each child and family as …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 7 replies
I have to make a booklet for practitioners relating to transitions across the foundation stage, my question is , what one piece of information is most important to you in regard to transitions? if anyone has any ideas for parental involvement, current research and legislation, theories, needs of the child i'd be greatful. i've nations of notes but just dont know where to start! already evaluated how transitions are handled in my setting, this is the second part of the assignment the booklet. why is the first assignment of the year always the hardest!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone know where I can find any please? I've googled until my eyes hurt but it doesn't actually bring up any norms tables with reference to where they originated......if that makes sense??? I've got to compare 3 observations to developmental norms, I've used the eyfs stages because that Is what we use at work (Pre-school) but my tutpr has said not just to use eyfs also I've done a ticklist obs on a child who's parent was worried she was only playing with one child, how can I compare that to social and emotional norms. any help would be very gratefully received