Ideas and suggestions about the Forum
There have been many ideas floated regarding possible future resources and articles the Foundation Stage Forum might consider adding. Bring yours here - and discuss those of other members!
133 topics in this forum
Making A Pentagon Den
by Guest- 11 replies
How_To_Make_A_Pentagon_Den.docHave posted this on the general topics forum and also the patterns one but it seems quite popular so I've put it here too!!! I recently went on a course entitled 'VISUAL ARTS INSPIRED BY REGGIO EMILIA'. It was simply amazing and I'd like to share a fantastic activity with you. With any luck I've successfully attached it to this post! If not let me know. Its a pentagon den which you can make on any scale using anything from art straws to 8ft bamboo canes (did this, wouldn't recommend it for a fist though!!) They are really easy to make once you get the gist of it and the opportunities are endless!! I dare you to make one!! …
Messy Play
by Guest- 24 replies
I've been put in charge of the messy play table and need to come up with some new ideas. We already do play dough, gloop, shaving foam, jelly, cooked and raw pasta. Would be really grateful if any one has any new ideas.
Visualy Challenged?
by Guest jenpercy- 7 replies
I am finding it very difficult to read the blue type. I have to select all the text so that it white on blue to read it clearly. Is there any chance of a change or an alternative colourway in my controls?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Indentity Bracelets
by Guest- 3 replies
Here there to you all. I have recently planned a day trip to the Blue Planet Aquarium for my two pre-school rooms next month, and was thinking about what i could use as identity bracelets/ badges? Just incase any of the children decided to go for a wonder (LETS HOPE NOT) I have searched the web and have found silicone bracelets but the minimum order is 100 plus and i only need 50!!Also to have the nursery name and contact number on them. Can anyone help me as to where i could possibly purchase them. I will be very grateful for all your suggestions and ideas. Thank you very much Beckyboo10 P.S At a last resort i would be happy to buy plain silicone bracelets where…
- 0 replies
Hello I have another interview coming up for a reception teacher. I have been asked to look at the reading aspect of the FSP and plan a lesson for 30mins max for 10 children. I was thinking maybe reading a story and having the end page blank. I could ask the children what part of the story is missing? We will discuss the type off book, title, author etc as I am reading. The children could then work with partners or in groups and come up with an alternative ending (in case they know the story I choose). If anyone has any better ideas they would be much appreciated! Thanks
by Guest- 10 replies
what does everyone use for thier learning journeys/ stories. the new preschool i am at has big folded over sheets of sugar paper. It just seems so unweildy and expensive. ! I have had a look on the internet for some big old fashioned scrapbooks, without much success. Any ideas? Thanks
Hairy Maclary
by Guest- 8 replies
Not sure if I have posted in the correct area.... (just joined lol) Does anybody have any ideas on group literacy activities I can do with my reception class relating to the Hairy Maclary from Donaldson Dairy book or along those lines / dogs etc. I need a speaking and listening activity in there sometime, my minds on a total blank!! Thanks!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
- 12 replies
I don't know if this has been posted before, had a look but anyway... I don't know about you but cheshire county council have blocked sparklebox at school and its such a pain to remember to downlead stuff at home onto my pen to excess and print at work so i went on a hunt for other resources websites i could acess. as i was searching the web for classrrom resources, signs, labels ect i found these websites that i thought i would share will you all as they contain some useful altenratives and i was qite excited sad i know but anything to make life easier is a bonus! (above too, some areas are still being developed) www.earl…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 1 reply
Probably the worst ever natural human disaster is taking place in Pakistan. If you feel that you can please support the relief effort, 6 million children are affected by this disaster or or read
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
- 17 replies
Good morning everyone I would really be interested to hear about what you give as leaving gifts to the children starting school in September. We have given various books; even used the Mister Men and Little Misses using the character name to relate to the character of the children, (Mr Bump for the accident prone child!). Also t-shirts with photo of the group of children leaving. The thing is my brain has gone blank and I want to try to come up with very differing ideas for the coming years as we have lots of siblings getting the "same old ........." as the older child had. I think I am wanting to surprise the parents as much as the children but would…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469,