Ideas and suggestions about the Forum
There have been many ideas floated regarding possible future resources and articles the Foundation Stage Forum might consider adding. Bring yours here - and discuss those of other members!
133 topics in this forum
Big Books On Line
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi there, I have attached a file for all of you to access a number of web sites on different topics. These sites have stories on line that you can share with the children on the interactive whiteboard. Enjoy!!! Big_books_1_.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42775, -
Ideas For Polar Topic
by Guest- 7 replies
Looking for anything on an ice and snow project, and i want my role play area to be an igloo- any ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Opening A New Nursery
by Guest- 7 replies
hi everyone, i am working with a colleague of mine to open our own nursery. we are hoping to do this by bulding our own rather than converting a building. any tips?
New Job Help!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all, Wondered if anyone might be able to help me... I am a teacher working in Reception but have applied for a job as an early years advisor. I have an interview next Wednesday which I am really chuffed about but they have also asked for a 10 minute presentation on: Work with staff in a non-maintained setting to set up and develop an area of provision. Explain how you would do this taking into account the constraints that this type of setting may encounter. If anyone out there has any ideas it would be greatly received (as without pinning my hopes up I really really want this job). Thanks all!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Bbc Raw Family Story Festival
by Guest Jamjim- 1 reply
The RaW story festival is traveling the UK and coming to Birmingham on 22-23 September and we (school) have been asked along with others in the area, if we would like to host a tent/activity. Ive never done anything like this before and have absolutely no idea what we could do, is anyone else doing one? The web site is
Where Do I Start - Phase 1 Or 2?
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all Can anyone just let me know where they intend starting at on letters and sounds if they are using it. I teach reception in an area that has high achieving children and who many have already been learning lots of JP letters sounds at nursery (some know them all!) - If you are only meant to spend 20 mins a day (whole class) there is no time to differentiate the phonics to begin with - so not sure if should start at Phase 1 or 2 - aaaaaargh, my head is spinning
Elmer The Elephant
by Guest- 13 replies
Recently been buying elmer resources from car boots, shops etc so now have decided to do this as a 'topic' next term.......have ideas what to do but knowing you lot you have already come up with some fantastic activiites so hope you are willing to share them with me...please I have also read/seen somewhere an activity to make elmers out of milk bottle cartons (the ones with handles) but can not find it anywhere I could always ask my friend to visit nursery.....her surname is Elmer.... Any pics would be good..thanks mrsb
Big Sister/brother Certificate
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone know where I can download FREE Big Sister/Big Brother certificates which I would like to present to children at nursery when a sibling arrives - we want to give them a special circle time to let them know they are special. Also any nice Graduation Certificates would be brilliant. Heres hoping. Thanks Sam
by Guest- 4 replies
I have a little boy who is french in my family group, he understands some english but am finding it hard to talk to him, plus he has behaviour problems on top of it. What i want to make are some little picture cards, so i can show him what i want him to do or find out what he wants etc, and then on the back i will put the french word so i can try and say it to him. I really just need the pictures, you know the sort some children with language problmes have on their belts. Thanks Kerry
Teddy Bears Picnic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, Can someone help me please, what can I do for a teddy bears picnic, any activities, ideas welcome. We are going to a park with our own teddies. Thanks in advance Flowerxx