331 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Due to the school intakes, we have a huge build-up of children attending sessions between Easter and Summer. We are registered to take up to 30 children per session, but are aware that only 26 should be in one room at any one time. We are able to use 1 large and 1 small room, plus freeflow access to an outdoor area, weather permitting. We have at least 5 staff members per session, and only about 6 children at any one time under 3. During registration and at the end of each session, we all gather together to sit in the small room. Can anyone advise me whether or not we can continue to do this with more than 26 children, or must they be grouped throughout the who…
Commercialisation Of Childhood
by Guest- 3 replies
I've just been looking up some of the links from the EYFS booklet which was included in the new Surestart magazine. The one that caught my eye was Quote A new report says the average child sees 20.000 - 40,000 TV adverts a year. Studiese found that 70% of 3 year olds recognised the McDonalds logo, while only half knew their own surname. Unquote I looked up the website and it seems as though we can join the debate. Take a look!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Ict In The Nursery
by Guest Wolfie- 7 replies
Can anyone suggest or point me in the direction of any good articles about the use of ICT with nursery children - not necessarily a list of resources to use, more a discussion of the issues involved and how it can best be used to support learning?
Communication With Parents
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone I am currently in my last few months of my foundation degree and expecting my baby in 8 weeks time what timimg hey !! As you can imagine im trying to sort myself out before the little bundle arrives. For my current research assignment i am researching communication with parents in the birth to three age range. I currently work in a day nursery and we wish to improve on our practice in the way we currently communicate with parents. I am posting on the forum to see if any one could help me by offering any information on the way you in your work place communicate with parents on a daily basis be it daily report sheets newletters etc . Or if any one has any g…
- 4 replies
Hi hoping you can help me. I have a very good member of staff who has recently been promoted to a supervisory role. She is good with the organisation and paperwork side of the role but really struggles with the supervision and can not manage to direct the staff or point out areas that they need to improve on. I have sent her on a basic management course hoping that this would give her the confidence to take the lead in supervising the staff but unfortunately if the staff argue with her or question her she still becomes upset and she is still unable to give them direction. I desparately want to support and develop her in this role but I am running out of ideas (And tiss…
- 7 replies
Hi I am doing an assignment on ADHD and a critical analysis of the different beliefs I have found articles about ADHD and i'ts effect but I am desparetely in need of an article that is saying there is no such thing as ADHD so I can compere and evaluate the two. I have btried a google search but no luck. Does anyone have an article or know wher I can access one. Thank You
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 8 replies
We have been recommended to introduce 'write dance' to use with our 3-5 year old children. When I looked on Amazon I noticed that there were two resources. One was considerably much more expensive than the other. Have any of you had any experience of Write dance? If so, where did you purchase your resource from? Any pointers??!! Looking forward to hearing from you. Keen to get started - it is meant to be fantastic!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5013, -
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi, I dont know if anyone can help. In our nursery we have a lovely morning session. Most children are on task and operate independently. The children are progressing and make me feel that everything is wonderful. Then comes the afternoon!!!! We have an extremely high ratio of boys to girls. At least 6 of these boys display extreme behaviours such as weeing on other children, wiping mud all over coats, shouting incoherently everytime asked to do anything, 3 are from a local childminder group and they are used to ganging together to get their own way (if they are not fighting). We have three other children with SEN and with support and one new girl just empties e…
Te Whariki
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi I am currently 'investigating the care and education of young children in New Zealand' as part of a research module. If anyone has any information or links about this topic and the Te Whariki curriculum I would be very grateful.
- 8 replies
Hi all just wondering if anyone has had any training for the new document yet or implemented it? Also when will the revised copy be availa ble.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821,