331 topics in this forum
Hot Water
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi First day back today, arrived to find no heating and no hot water, phoned caretaker, came in fixed the heating but water is due to be fixed next week. I just wondered if anybody knew where we stood legally, they have given us an urn in the kitchen for washing up and hot drinks, i have also filled a handwashing bowl for the children using the urn. But we have no hot water coming out of the taps at all.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Recipes From Ghana
by Guest- 5 replies
This may seem like a really strange request, but once again, I am preparing for another assessment at uni . Basically this one is the parents and carers module and we have to enlist the help of a parent within the setting to plan and carry out an activity which celebrates cultural diversity. Despite working in the baby unit, I feel that it would be better to carry out an activity with the pre-school children, and so I decided to carry out a cooking activity with my chosen parent. My parent is from Ghana and although willing to help, is coming up with all these very difficult recipes for the children to follow. I wanted something relatively simple though, that m…
Best Nursery Website
by Guest- 10 replies
For a university topic has anyone found a website in early years or an outstanding nursery site that inspired them?
Last reply by Steve, -
- 10 replies
Does anyone know if there is any legislation relating to home visits? is it compulsary for schools to carry them out? Is it up to the school or the local authority? Is there any research avaliable relating to the benefits of home visits been search the internet for hours can't find anything about home visits! Please help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6666, -
Birth To Three Legislation
by Guest- 3 replies
Sorry, another request... I need to find out the legislation which underpins the Birth to Three Matters Framework and despite searching for the last 2 hours, I can't come up with anything other than it is a result of the 'government's commitment to raising standards' which is all very good, but doesn't really help! I have done various Google searches, checked on the standards site and so on, but I can't seem to find what I am looking for. Maybe I'm on the right sites but just looking in the wrong places. Please help before I go mental! Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
Is There Such A Thing...?
by Guest- 5 replies
I am in the process of evaluating our training policy (yet again, I changed my mind ) for my FD assessment over the next 3 weeks, and there is a line in there that basically says, staff will be sent on courses in child care at NVQ Levels 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate. I have never heard of an NVQ Level 1 course, let alone anybody that holds a level 1, so was wondering if there was such a thing and if so, how would a person stand in terms of level of qualification within the nursery? For example, when I started in child care, a level 2 qualified person was a qualified nursery assistant and the level 3 was a senior qualified practitioner (although not necessarily a senior…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6541, -
Friedrich Froebel
by Guest- 18 replies
I have been looking at Friedrich Froebel as part of my FD and have found a quote that I quite like but I'm not sure exactly what it means! The quote is: "The purpose of education is to encourage and guide man as a conscious, thinking and perceiving being in such a way that he becomes a pure and perfect representation of that divine inner law through his own personal choice; education must show him the ways and meanings of attaining that goal. (Friedrich Froebel 1826 Die Nenschenerziehung, pp. 2)" What would you say that meant in English? . It's the 'divine inner law' bit that I'm really struggling with! Thanks!
- 0 replies
Hi all just wondering if we cannot go for artsmark is there anything else about? cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
- 2 replies
hi. Im doing some research on legislation and provision. I've chosen to focus on how early childhood provision and social services correspond when dealing with an issue of child protection. I need to look at this in respect of recent legislation - which is the Children Act 2004 and the green paper Every Child matters. Can you tell me how (if it has) this legislation has affected any communication that practitioners have with social services? i.e are they now easier to contact? is it easier to access information? Do you feel that this legislation was necessary - why? Obviously child protection is never an easy matter, and without having gone through t…
Case Conferences
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi I was just after other peoples experiences of attending a child protection conference. I have been asked to write something for early years from a managers prespective, just wondered what expereinces you had had and how you found them?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,