331 topics in this forum
by Guest- 11 replies
we had conkers in our water tray, a parent came in and said that we can't have conkers this year because there is a possiblility they are diseased, has anybody else heard this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 12 replies
Hi all, bit of an odd one but sure someone will know.....does anyone know where we stand with having giant land snails in the classroom (in a tank obviously, not roaming free!) I remember hearing that they carried salmonella so children shouldnt handle them...Any thoughts ?? Catherine xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6593, -
Signs And Labels
by Guest- 14 replies
Has anybody got a link to where I can find some signs and labels for Pre School areas eg sand, water, story corner etc. Don't want to buy them if I can print them off and laminate them myself. I keep thinking of little things which would be nice to introduce to start the new term and thought I would label all the areas with bright and cheery signs - Are we meant to have finished for summer???? please remind me? does anyone else suffer from this syndrome of 'work' in the hols? Went for a bit of retail therapy this morning (after a pretty stressful start to the week) and came home with carriers full of 'sale' items which I thought would be useful at Pre School . . . . …
Looking For A Story
by Guest- 5 replies
Can anyone point me in the direction of a story about a bear (teddy or otherwise), and sharing. We are having a teddy bears picnic for Harvest, and need a story to tie the two things together . . . HELP!! Left it til the last minute again - Harvest picnic is in a fortnight.
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi Does anybody know where I can download the font 'Sassoon' for free? or has anyone used a different font for their 'writing' area? I am trying to make some alphabet charts, with letters which are easily recognisable (you know what I mean - no funny 'a' like the one I've just typed etc. ) Thought I'd found a good free font called 'national primary' - but the letter 'o' has got a funny squiggly bit on the top. Any help - much appreciated Thanks
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi all would just like to ask other pre-schools if you serve juice at snack time. we offer a choice of juice, water or milk. My local primary school has just banned juice from their menu and this has got me thinking about our own choice. would like to know what others think Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
Sick Cleaning
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi has anyone heard of something you can throw on sick, which soaks it up, removes the odour, and disinfects - apparantly there is something which you can put on the area which magically removes it? I heard that you can then vacuum it up????? Can't see how that works? Wouldn't the vacuum be 'comtaminated?' Really sorry about the subject matter, but have had 2 children in as many weeks leave a lovely deposit on our carpet and it's a real pain to try and disinfect. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I have been on a lot of home visits and one of the questions I have been asked is, Does the dad still have parental rights even though he hasnt lived with them for the last 2 years? The child is 3 years old now.Please help
- 10 replies
Hi everyone, After reading about the pro's and con's of visual worksheets and templetes etc. this has set me off onto contemplating the best way in teaching children the skills of reading and writing. At the school were I am about to start work in sept. they are quite academic and traditional. They mainly use Jolly Phonics and children learn more or less by rote. Simular sort of thing with writing - by tracing etc. The whole system of learning to write (practising letter formation) and reading is under review and a great time to introduce or change practise if in the best interests. Being an NQT not quite sure what I think due to lack of experience etc. How…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 9 replies
Hi can anyone recommend where we can buy some new bikes/trikes etc that more than 1 child can go on. Thanks Skippy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,