331 topics in this forum
Emotional Wellbeing in Early Years
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I'm currently a final year student completing dissertation research! It is based on the topic of emotional wellbeing and how practitioners in early years support this. This post is aimed at all levels of qualified early years professionals. It would be much appreciated if you could check out my questionnaire, of which I will provide a link to below! Let me know if you have any general additional comments and also if I can help with your research as a student I would be happy to! Thank you in advance, Kerryntu
- 0 replies
I have just come across this piece of research - it was published last summer and so is a little out of date. I thought it was still useful to post though because we have several members of our forum who are currently researching language aquisition and also the effect that music has on the development of infants' brains. I didn't feel that the research in this instance told me anything I didn't already know - it's been a long time since 'having music on in the background' was acceptable in early years settings - and the research explains the reason why! (Although, based on my own professional experience I don't feel like I need the qualifier 'may' in the research title!)…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 2 replies
This is an interesting article from today's Guardian. Teachers must ditch 'neuromyth' of learning styles, say scientists I know that when I was teaching KS1 and KS2 in the late 90'/00's I attended course after course about different learning styles. We were constantly being reminded that we needed to ensure all our lessons were not only differentiated to take account of different levels of ability but also differentiated to enable all children to access them equally. I have a vivid memory of teaching fractions and percentages to a year 6 class with practical table based tasks for some children, lists of repeating questions for others and then I had one group on the carp…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I wonder if I can ask for your thoughts and help please? I am currently doing a dissertation for my Master’s Degree in early education, through the University of Worcester. My research question is: From Good to Outstanding and beyond. Taking Early Years provision beyond the Ofsted requirements for Outstanding, to create a truly exceptional setting. The purpose of this research is for me to gain a better understanding of what constitutes quality in early years settings, nurseries and pre-schools. I can then support settings to develop their practice beyond the Ofsted requirement for Outstanding to become consistently exceptional in the care a…
- 112 replies
WChurchill, a tutor in Initial Teacher Education at Manchester Metropolitan University, has been awarded a Travelling Fellowship for 2016 to visit Germany and New Zealand to research best practice in early years care and education. She would like our help: The aim of the project is to learn and most importantly disseminate good practice to best effect. W Churchill says "One of my thoughts was to have a two way interaction where FSF members can get in touch with me before and during my travels to enable the project to become a collective adventure. This allows for a multitude of lenses observing and experiencing early years education and care in situ. I wi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401, -
- 9 replies
We want to plan some focused activities around Earth Day which is on is 22nd April. This is the day when individual families and local authorities around the world turn all their lights out and activities involving energy conservation are especially relevant. There are many website with suggestions for activities or activities that might be adapted – for example: KidSoup The Co-op Green Schools Revolution We like the idea of teaching children about alternative energy sources, making windmills and waterwheels, creating a weekly ‘Energy Monitor’ whose task it is to make sure the lights are out and electrical devices are switched off when not required. There are also…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43, -
- 5 replies
It’s International Mother Language Day on 21st February and we would like to share some ideas for planning projects. For those of us working in multi-lingual settings this is a valuable opportunity to promote and present good EYFS practice. But this work might be even more important in mono-lingual settings where children can learn the value and importance of learning and respecting other world languages. Learning about and learning to respect linguistic diversity, and the interdependence of different peoples and language groups is an important component in education for sustainable development. More than 70% of the world's population speaks more than one language, and…
- 4 replies
It is United Nations World Wildlife Day on 3rd March and we are working with a group of preschools who want to plan some activities that involve the children, parents and the local community. If we are to encourage sustainable citizenship then we want the children to be doing something and not just talking to them about it. We also think it is important not to be negative when we ‘do’ education for sustainable development. The press this week has been reporting on a study that suggests that 70% of all the world’s mammals, fish, reptiles, birds and amphibians are on course to be wiped out over the fifty year period ending in 2020. Of course we should be very concerned a…
- 0 replies
An OMEP book on Education for Sustainable Development is available for free download - click on: Siraj-Blatchford, J., Smith, K., and Pramling Samuelson, I. (2010) Education for Sustainable Development in the Early Years, Organisation Mondiale Pour l´Education Prescolaire (OMEP)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43, -
- 1 reply
I know that many of you are following WChurchill's research thread - she is in New Zealand finding out about Early Years education. If you have the travel bug and are passionate about early years you could apply for a research grant for next year! You can read all about it: Apply for a Travelling Fellowship You have until 5pm on 20th September to apply! (Go on! Go for it!) You can read about WChurchill's adventures here
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13401,