Tapestry tutorials
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395 topics in this forum
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This tutorial will provide a description of the different statuses an observation can have on Tapestry and how to change the status of an observation. For help with adding observations to Tapestry, please see our tutorial on adding observations. You can navigate to a specific part of this tutorial using the links below. What are the different observation statuses on Tapestry Setting an observation's status Filtering by observation status We'll start by looking at the different statuses available on Tapestry What are the different observation statuses on Tapestry? In Journal - These observations have been published to a child's…
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
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It's possible to add descriptive flags to your observations and reflections. You'll then be able to filter your posts to quickly find observations or reflections containing these flags. If you need any help setting up reflections on your account you can find our tutorial on this here. In this tutorial we will look at how to enable pre-made flag sets on Tapestry, if you want to add your own bespoke flag sets, take a look at this tutorial. To enable flags you'll need to go to the Control Panel (1) > Settings (2) > Flags (3). On the Flag Settings page you can then add your own bespoke flag sets (1) or you can click…
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
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Please note the EYFS 2021 flag set was formerly called 'Development Matters 2020' on Tapestry. This was updated to incorporate the Birth to 5 documentation. Before we get started, please note that the EYFS 2021 flag set encompasses both the Development Matters 2021 and Birth to Five Matters non-statutory guidance documents. Enabling this flag set will mean you can flag the seven areas of learning, and then aspects within, as well as seeing reference material pertaining to both documents. Now you have enabled the EYFS 2021 flags on your Tapestry account, you can start tagging the different areas within your observations. Firstly, we'll look at how t…
Last reply by JackTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
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Please note the EYFS 2021 flag set was formerly called 'Development Matters 2020' on Tapestry. This was updated to incorporate the Birth to 5 documentation. To be able to use the revised EYFS framework (2021), you will firstly need to enable your chosen flags. You can do this by clicking on your name at the top right corner of the page (1) and then selecting 'Control Panel' (2). From the left-hand side menu you will need to choose 'Settings' (1) and from that drop-down menu you will then need to select 'Flags' (2). You will then need to click on the 'EYFS 2021' heading (3). Here you will see all the di…
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
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In this tutorial we'll look at how to set your user permissions for children, which will determine exactly what children are able to do when using our Child Login feature. To enable this feature on your account you just need to follow the instructions in this tutorial. Firstly you will need to go to the Control Panel (1), then User Permissions (2), select the Children tab (3) and click on one of the headings (4). You should then be able to see whether each option is permitted (1) or not permitted (2). To change a permission, click the 'Edit' button (3). Here you will have the ability to set a default permission…
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
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If you want to permanently delete or remove access to a group login page (so no one can login from the devices that had previously been set up), there are a couple of very easy steps to take. Please note that this is different from just temporarily turning access off. You can see how to do that a the end of our how to use the Child Login feature tutorial. The first thing to do is log in to Tapestry as a manager, the staff member who created the group login page in question, or a staff member who is allowed to edit group login pages created by other staff members. Then, go to Child Login (1), find the group login page you want to delete/remove access…
Last reply by Lauren, -
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These tutorials are designed for school-aged children if you are using the Child Login, to help them access their Tapestry accounts and view observations and activities that have been added for them. If they need any assistance with their account, they will need to speak to their class teacher. How to log into your account at school Logging in at home guide How to view and make observations How to view Activities
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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This tutorial is for if you have already created a group login page, but when a child goes to log in, they either can't see the whole group login page, or just can't see themselves on it. There are a few things that it might be caused by so I'll go through each of those and how to fix them in turn. If you're looking for how to turn on the Child Login feature, take a look at our 'Enabling the Child Login feature' tutorial. To skip to a specific section of this tutorial, please use the numbered links below. If the whole group login page isn't there. These potential causes and solutions are for if the child has gone to log in, but the group login page…
Last reply by KatTapestrySupport, -
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Hiya! In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to view Activities on Tapestry either at home or at school. Activities are lessons and tasks added by your teacher on Tapestry. Make sure you are logged into Tapestry first. Click here for help with logging in at school and click here for help with logging in at home. Once you've logged into your account, click Activities at the top of the screen which is shown by the red number 1 arrow. Then click the Open button next to the activity you would like to look at (shown by 2). When you go into the activity you'll be able to see the title (1) and any pictures or videos (2). You …
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
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As well as logging in whilst at school, using the Child Login children can log into Tapestry from home via their parents'/carers' relative accounts, if you've allowed that. This might be something you want to set up if you're putting activities for home learning on Tapestry. Please note you will need to make sure that the child is linked to an active relative on your Tapestry and they are with that parent/carer when they want to log in. For information on linking relatives with children on Tapestry, please see this tutorial. To see how the children log in once this is set up, you can have a look at the guide for children on logging in at home and the one for relati…
Last reply by KatTapestrySupport,