Tapestry tutorials
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On Tapestry the EYLF Indicator screens will show you how many times a child has been assessed against an indicator within a sub-outcome. You can see these as both an individual view and a group view. To access them, you just need to click on the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the screen (1), then making sure you are on the EYLF section (2) you will need to select either the 'Individual View' or 'Group View' button within the 'EYLF Indicators' box (3). I'm going to start with the individual view. To skip to the section on the group view click here. Individual View Once on the individual view screen you will firstly need to select a period o…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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Before you start assessing your children against the Developmental Milestones on Tapestry, you will need to enable them on your account. To do this you'll need to go to the Control Panel (1), then select 'Settings' from the left-hand menu (2) and from the drop-down, choose the 'Assessments' option (3). Remember, only managers on Tapestry have access to the Control Panel, so this will need to be done by a manager on your account. To find out more about the different types of staff on Tapestry, you can read this tutorial. Once on the Assessments page you just need to scroll down to the find the section for the Australian frameworks…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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To be able to assess with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) on your account, you will firstly need to enable it. To do this, a manager will need to go to the management area of Tapestry, the Control Panel. If you're not sure about the differences between the different types of staff on Tapestry, you just need to read this tutorial. You can access the Control Panel by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner (1) and selecting the 'Control Panel' option from the drop-down (2). Once this has been done you just need to select the 'Settings' from the left-hand menu (3) and then select 'Assessments' from the drop-down (4…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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The Summative Assessments on Tapestry were designed to show you where a child is currently working. There are two EYLF Summative Assessment screens available on Tapestry, an individual view and a group view, I will talk you through both of them in this tutorial. To access them you just need to click on the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the page (1), then making sure you are on the EYLF section (2), select either the 'Individual View' or 'Group View' buttons (3). I'm going to start by looking at the individual view. To skip to the section on the group view click here. Individual View Once on the Individual View screen, you will need to se…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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Before you can start assessing with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) on your account, you will need to enable it. To do this you'll need to go to the Control Panel (1), then select 'Settings' from the left-hand menu (2) and from the drop-down, choose the 'Assessments' option (3). Remember, only managers on Tapestry have access to the Control Panel, so this will need to be done by a manager on your account. To find out more about the different types of staff on Tapestry, you can read this tutorial. Once on the Assessments page you just need to scroll down to the section for the Australian frameworks. When you see the opti…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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This guide explains how to get started using the new Tapestry iOS app. Please note, with the new app we are only supporting devices that run iOS 9 or higher. We do recommend you upgrade to the new app as it has lots of exciting new features! If you have an Android device the app is similar, but we recommend reading this guide instead. A quick note about terminology. We use the word 'setting' to refer to the school, nursery, childminder or other educational provider who owns the Tapestry account you access. Tapestry is used by all of these types of establishment (and more!), so it's easier to use one appropriate term. If we talk about device settings or options, we'll…
Last reply by JoeG, -
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If you have a device that has fingerprint scanning available on it, then you have the option on the new Android app to set up fingerprint unlocking for the main login page and the PIN login page. This will allow you to use your fingerprint to login, rather than your email and password or 4-digit PIN. You will need to have fingerprint scanning set up on your device to use this feature, if you're not sure how to do this, you will need to contact your device manufacturer. If you don't have the beta version of the Android app yet, this tutorial will explain how to download and it will also give you a walk-through of how to use the new app. Please note that when you…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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You can now use Face ID or Touch ID to log in to the new iOS App if you have a suitable device. I'll show you how to enable Face ID on an iPhone XS, but the process will be the same if you are using other iOS devices that can use Face ID or Touch ID. You'll need to have Face ID/Touch ID enabled on your device before we begin, so if you haven't used it before make sure you get that set up first. Face ID/Touch ID will work by saving your Tapestry password and/or PIN to your device. It's worth noting that you can save different PIN numbers to Face ID/Touch ID if you have multiple accounts, but you can only save one password. You can either have the same password for mu…
Last reply by Jamie, -
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This guide explains how to get started using the new Tapestry Android app. We recommend using this app over the previous Android version as it has several improved features and is compatible with newer Android devices. If you have an iOS device the app is similar, but we recommend reading this guide instead. A quick note about terminology. We use the word 'setting' to refer to the school, nursery, childminder or other educational provider who owns the Tapestry account you access. Tapestry is used by all of these types of establishment (and more!), so it's easier to use one appropriate term. If we talk about device settings or options, we'll make the distinction clear…
Last reply by JoeG, -
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Please note that this tutorial is about tracking for the old EYFS. For information about tracking screens for the new EYFS 2021, please click here. In this tutorial we will be looking at the overall EYFS Dashboard screen as well as the individual dashboard screens for thoroughness, attainment and progress. Before looking at the screens, we would recommend you read through the below tutorials so you know how thoroughness, attainment and progress are calculated on Tapestry. How EYFS thoroughness scores on Tapestry are calculated How EYFS attainment scores on Tapestry are calculated How EYFS progress scores on Tapestry are calculated You c…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport,