Tapestry tutorials
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395 topics in this forum
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This is where you can enter the different types of funding your setting receives and their rates. Whilst you can apply funding types to children's regular schedules, the rates are just their for your own reference. This means the price of a funding type is not included when calculating the total from a child's number of chargeable hours. You can read about how to apply funding types to children's regular schedules in this tutorial. You can set your funding types by clicking 'Booking' at the top of the screen (1), then selecting 'Config' (2), then 'Funding Types' (3) from the menu on the left. If you have already added any funding types they w…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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It is possible to duplicate your active custom report templates as drafts. This can be helpful if you want to makes some changes to your template, if you would like to deactivate your live template, but don't want to delete it completely, or if you would like to create a new, similar report template. To explain, it is not possible to edit a live report template, or change it back into a draft template. This is to avoid invalidating any reports you have created using the template. You can, however, delete a live template, and this will not affect any reports you have added using the template. This means that if you want to make any changes to a live report template, o…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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In this tutorial we'll look at managing draft custom report templates and saving new templates as drafts using the Custom Reports feature. If you want to look at creating a custom report template in more detail please see this guide here. Whether you want to create a new custom report template and save it as a draft, or access a previously saved draft, start on the main screen of Tapestry and click the 'Reports' tab at the top of the screen (1). On the Reports tab select 'Manage Custom Templates' under your reports section (2). It's worth noting that drafts will not show up in the reports section, you'll only see templates you have made them active. …
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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In this tutorial we'll look at how to add custom templates to use with our Reports feature. The Reports feature should be enabled on your account by default, but if it has been disabled for any reason you will need to enable it before you can add a custom template. Enabling the Reports feature is covered in our tutorial on adding and editing reports. You can find a link to the relevant section here. To begin adding a custom report template, click the 'Reports' tab at the top of the screen (1), then select 'Manage Custom Templates' under your reports templates (2). If you have any custom templates or draft custom templates these will appe…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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In this tutorial we will look at how you can use the Online Register feature on the Android Tapestry app. To open the Online Register, tap on the 'Register' button at the bottom of the screen. You should see a list of your children, along with their expected times for the day. You can mark a child as 'in' or 'out' using the 'In' icon on the left-hand side (1) and the 'Out' icon on the right-hand side (2). The times they have been marked in or out will then show up under the 'Registrations' column (3). Children are marked as 'In' are shaded green and children who are marked as 'Out' are shaded orange. At the top o…
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
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If your child's setting have decided to share Care Diary entries with you, then you can access the feature on the Android app by navigating to the Care Diary tab at the bottom. Here you'll be able to see the current day's Care Diary entries for your child that the setting have allowed you to view (1). If you'd like to view entries from previous days then you can click the arrow to go back a day (2), or tap on the date (3) which will open up a calendar view where you can navigate to any previous date. Select the preferred date (4) and click on 'OK' (5). You will then be able to see entries added on that date. As well as Care Diary entries, you…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
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In this tutorial we're going to look at how to export a PDF copy of your Online Register from Tapestry. For details on using the Online Register, you can refer to our tutorial on this here. Or if you need to set up your Booking feature, you can find out how here. Firstly you'll need to navigate to the feature by clicking 'Booking' (1) in the top bar, and then going to 'Exports' (2) and 'Online Register Export' (3). You have two sections where you can customise your export: 'Layout Options' (4), which you'll access by clicking on the heading, and 'Export Options' (5). We'll now go through both of these sections. Layout Options When…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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It is possible to take an online register on Tapestry. The online register uses the children's schedules entered though our Booking feature. You can find our tutorials on setting up and using our Booking feature here. If you would prefer to print off a paper register from Tapestry you can find our tutorial on this here. We'll start by looking at how to use the online register. To skip ahead to the section on how to export the online register to PDF click here. Using the online register If you're a manager user, you can access the online register by clicking the 'Booking' tab (1), selecting 'Registers' on the left (2), then 'Online Register' (3).…
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
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If you've added your own Bespoke Frameworks to Tapestry (see our tutorials here for information on how to do this), then you can track them through our Thoroughness tracking screens. There are two screens: Individual View and Group View. We're going to start by looking at the Individual View first; if you'd like to go straight to the Group View screen then you can jump to it here. To access any of our tracking screens you'll need to be set up as a manager user. Individual View Go to 'Tracking' (1), 'Bespoke Frameworks' (2), and then select 'Individual View' (3). At the top of this page you'll see a section of filters where you'll n…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
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The Care Diary has now been added to the Android app! Please note that you will need to be using the latest version of the Tapestry app to access the Care Diary- version 4.2.0. In this tutorial we will look at viewing, editing and deleting entries from the Care Diary, as well as permitting access and notifying relatives of these entries. Quick links: Viewing your Care Diary entries Permitting relative access and notifying relatives Editing and deleting entries To begin, log into the Tapestry app on your device and select the Care Diary option at the bottom of the screen. Viewing your Care Diary…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport,