Tapestry tutorials
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In this tutorial I'm going to cover the three vital elements that make up a bespoke framework: Scales, Details & Components. I'll go through each concept one by one, but if you would like to travel to a specific point in the tutorial, please use the links below. Scales Details Components Let's get started looking at Scales. Scales Scales are what you use to assess your framework against. You might call these refinements, tiers or levels. They allow you to fine tune your assessment when completing it in your observations. For example, you may want to set a Scale to show how well a child is demonstrating that selected statem…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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In this tutorial we'll look at how you can upload your CSV file to Tapestry and create your bespoke framework. If you need any help creating your CSV file you can find a link to our tutorial on this here. To add a bespoke framework you will first need to click your name in the top right (1) and go to the Control Panel (2). You will then need to select 'Settings' (1) then 'Assessments', (2) and click the button to 'Add a new bespoke framework' (3). There's some information and a video about bespoke frameworks on the next page. We do recommend reading this information and watching the video. Once you are happy cli…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 0 replies
If your child is being assessed against the Cherry Garden Branch Maps framework on Tapestry and you have been permitted to view the assessments, then you'll be able to access The Cherry Garden Orchard. This is a great place for you to view a graphical representation of your child's progress. To access this you'll need to login into the browser version of Tapestry, and then head to the 'Children' tab at the top. Click on the name of your child that you'd like to view this for (1), and then select 'Cherry Garden Orchard' (2). This will take you to the Cherry Garden Orchard. You'll be shown instructions on using and nav…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
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It's possible to view a list of your recorded accidents using our accidents tracking page. We'll start by looking at how to access and use this page. To skip to the section of downloading accident forms to PDF click here. Viewing accidents You can track your accidents by clicking the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the page (1), selecting 'Accidents'(2) then clicking the 'Overview' button (3). At the top of the page you will be able to set a date range (1) and apply an filters (2). Your filters will allow you to search for accidents relating to specific children or groups of children. Once you have set your dates, click 'Submit' (3). …
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
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In this guide we'll show you how to change, or add an additional Tapestry account, that you use to log in to your linked CPD account. You can think of our CPD account as a shell, with your courses and personalised settings etc., that you can attach with different Tapestry log ins. This will be useful if you've changed school or have a new Tapestry account set up, but want to keep your CPD account and courses. The first thing you'll need to do is login to Tapestry CPD with the details you've been using up to now. Please note, the Tapestry account those details are linked to will need to be active. Once you've logged in, click on your name in the top…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
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The first thing you'll need to do is log in to Tapestry CPD. If you're not sure how to do this, you can have a look at our tutorial here. Or if you're new to Tapestry CPD then you might also want to check out our CPD overview tutorial, which you can find here. But for now, back to enrolling onto a course! After you've logged in you'll be taken to the Dashboard where you can see all of courses that you're currently enrolled on under 'My courses' at the sides (1) and under 'Course overview' where you can also see your progress at a glance (2). To enrol on a new course just head to 'Site home' from the menu (1) to view all of the available…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
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In this guide we'll show you how to adjust your Tapestry CPD notifications to suit your personal preference. You can choose what you are notified about and whether you are notified via website notifications, email notifications or both. It's worth bearing in mind before we start that Tapestry CPD notifications are completely separate to your notifications settings for Tapestry if you have a Tapestry account. Please see this guide to change your Tapestry notification preferences. To start with, sign in to Tapestry CPD at https://cpd.tapestry.info, or by signing into Tapestry and clicking the 'CPD' button in the blue bar at the top of the screen. …
Last reply by JoeG, -
- 1 follower
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To upload a bespoke framework to Tapestry you'll need to have it saved as a 'CSV' file. This is just a type of Excel file. Below you can see an example of a completed bespoke framework CSV. You may find it useful to download a copy of it (click on the file below to download it) and keep it open as you read through these instructions. ks1y1 Example Bespoke Framework.csv When you're creating your CSV file you will need to consider two things: the ‘Components’ and ‘Details’ of your framework. I'll cover these later in the tutorial, but you can also read more about them in this tutorial. Details Each column you see i…
Last reply by Lauren, -
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Hi there! In this tutorial I will talk you through how to create a Two Year Check report for the EYFS 2021. The report format is quite similar to creating an EYFS 2021 Report, but you'll notice that there are fewer sections, and there is no option to record CoETL as this is not required for the 2 Year Check. If you would like to record this you could use the EYFS 2021 report template and just record the prime areas. You can't access the EYFS 2021 Two Year Check report unless the EYFS 2021 flags are active on your Tapestry account. If you are not already using the flags, please follow this guide to enable them. To create a new report, you will need to…
Last reply by JoeG, -
- 0 replies
The EYFS 2021 flags allow you to select areas from the new Development Matters in purple (1), and aspects from the Birth to 5 Matters guidance documents in gold (2). Anyone who takes out a new Tapestry subscription on or after the 27.09.21 will find that the Birth to Five Matters guidance is turned off by default when they go to enable the EYFS 2021 flag set, and can choose to enable it there and then. However, those of you who purchased your Tapestry account before 27.09.21 will have both the new Development Matters and Birth to 5 Matters guidance turned on. We aware that many of you are only using the new Development Matters curriculu…
Last reply by OlayaTapestrySupport,