Weavers Future Development Suggestions
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
165 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
hi how long is the activation link open? is there an option to extend it? some parents are missing it and I have to resend which is time consuming.
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 reply
Will it be made possible for us to enable KS1 assessments for some children and EYFS for others rather than all of them being there for each child? Thanks
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 reply
Hello I am a Tapestry manager in my setting as I had previous experience and my manager often asks me to do things for her. However I am not part of my setting management team. I noticed that when I comment on observations my name is followed by 'manager' which gives a misleading impression to parents. Is it possible to either remove this or make it optional or editable. Thank you
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I think this issue may affect settings with a lot of children on the system. We are a large nursery school with the potential for 200 children on roll. We have found it very time consuming to scroll down the list of children when you need to tag them and sometimes, as we do that, other children are added by mistake. It would be very useful to have an option of starting to type the name and Tapestry then giving you options as with predictive text or similar. There could be a drop down that has a list of possibilities to chooses from. This would help us so much and save the wrong children from being added. Thank you
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 11 replies
Hiya, I just wondered if there was an update on the progress of the app that children can access their learning journal in the setting and at home? I know this was talked about and may have been mentioned recently but I don't come on here often do may have missed it. Also thought it was worth showing my interest in the daily diaries and attendance registers, I've seen the daily diaries is being discussed at the moment, very excited by that! The attendance register would be really useful to have access to from the app if possible, or not sure if it would need to be a separate app with daily diaries? I used tadpoles for a while along side tapestry which was easy to use…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 3 replies
Is there a way to download a learning journal without photos? I would like to share a child's journal with a pre-school, including the assessments I have done and don't want to give them a copy of all the photos as they include other children in them. Is there a way to do this? Many thanks, Amy
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 3 replies
My son attends two settings and I like to upload my own obs of things we've done at home etc. It's really frustrating having to do this twice over. Are there any plans underway to allow parents the ability to upload to both settings at the same time (if they wish)?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 5 replies
It would be nice to be able to tag the observations as either adult led/initiated or child led/initiated by using a tick box for example.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_53990, -
- 1 reply
I believe it would be greatly beneficial if there was a system in place to show the cycle of assessment - next step - observations linked to next step and progress. I feel this is currently difficult to show in the present format. When we did paper copies we could link a next step to an observation and then add dates of when the child engaged in activities promoting the next step and then we could make an assessment as to whether the child needed to continue or had achieved the next step.
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Just wondering if this is in the pipeline to be added please? A children's register system that we can maybe select 1 hour blocks that children attend throughout each day? This would allow staff to select the hours attended each day.. in comparison to hours they should attend maybe too? Managers could input the "usual" hours a child attends to the nearest hour slot each day. Then staff must input hours attended each day. Data can then be shown for monthly attendance as well? Would this be possible? Just throwing ideas around.
Last reply by Lauren,