Weavers Future Development Suggestions
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
165 topics in this forum
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Would it be possible to show the age in months on the earliest/latest and lowest/highest age band assessments, like it does on the summative assessments? This would enable you to see at a glance, for example that a child may be below because they have only just moved into the next age band ie if they are now 51 months. Thank you
Last reply by Helen, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I just wanted to ask about the progress with day care diary entries. I know we can put these onto tapestry as observation entries, however we would like to keep this separate from children's learning journals. I would also like to ask about the possibility of adding accident and incident forms to tapestry as well so we can have everything all in one place? Thanks Sarah
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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- 4 replies
We're often asked if Tapestry can include some extra statements in the age-bands which would be useful when assessing children with SEND. We've had some very helpful input from a couple of special schools and we're beginning to create an 'EYFS + SEND' option within Tapestry. If you're interested in contributing too, do let me know if there are any statements you'd like us to include in the different 'stages' (we've removed the age-bands and called them stages instead). Here is the first one for PSED. The first statements are from the Development Matters document, followed by additional ones where it was deemed appropriate. What do you think? EYFS + SEND PSED.docx
Last reply by Helen, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I am finding that I have some staff who are very confident in using Tapestry. However, I do have some staff who require more support and for this reason I have manager approval of observations set for all staff. I was wondering if in the future there could be an option to manually select individual staff for manager approval of observations? Thanks
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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- 5 replies
Hi,I am a Childminder and have just started using Tapestry.I'm loving it! It is so easy to write observations and see where the children are at with the snapshot functionality.However,I am disappointed that there is no daily diary-offered in both Kinderley and Baby Days packages.As childminder,I need to provide my parents with this,or rather this is something I offer to my parent and she wishes this to continue.However,when I am paying for a system it would be nice if I could do this from it! I know 'Tapestry' argument is that it is not something that parents will want to look back on and no it isn't but if it is something that assists in two-way parental communication-w…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 2 replies
When you export an observation for printing it doesn't have parent comments on...Can I switch this on somewhere? Thanks
Last reply by Sneha, -
- 3 replies
Hello, I think it would be very helpful if there was an option to only see notifications from parents and not from other members of staff. I want to make sure that I respond to every parent who contributes so would really like a way to make it more obvious when a parent has made a contribution. Perhaps this could be by have 3 options (or filter) to only see parent contributions, only see staff contributions or a combination. Or perhaps the contributions could be colour coded in the notifications dropdown menu e.g. staff contributions are in green and parents are in orange. Charlotte
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 2 replies
We are looking at moving to more of an in the moment planning way of working and would love it if tapestry gave us the option of being able to highlight the teaching that has taken place during an observation. Are there any plans for this to happen?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51329, -
- 5 replies
Hi We are just beginning to use the snap shot and analysis sections and are trying to understand them. We are finding the colour coding on the snap shot screen a bit tricky with the default colour coding as it is measuring whether children are below, at or above their actual age. As a school we have determined an emerging/expected/exceeding level for the whole cohort at each assessment point ,and use this as a guide and we would like to be able to reflect this on the snapshot screen by being able to link the colours to the age bands and refinements ourselves. For example, on entry to reception we say children who are 30-50S/40-60 E are at the expected level…
Last reply by Lauren, -
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Hi, I often take photos of the children to share with parents which I do not intend to write up as an observation as they are not displaying new areas of learning but I still want parents to see what theyve been doing and the fun their children are having.At the minute I text such photos across.However,if there was a photo area on tapestry that parents can access and view/print then this would be a great way of including parents still further-could even be assigned to daily diary so they are dated?? On babydays they can just add photos without assigning them to an observation and I think this is a great tool. Please advise if this is something that can be included or…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager,