Weavers Future Development Suggestions
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
165 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I have recently become a parent and not just an Early Years practitioner accessing Tapestry. As a parent I am unable to link any of my uploaded observations to the EYFS as this is not a option for parents. I am thinking it would be an idea to maybe have this as a option for parents who are familiar with and understand the EYFS. It doesn't have to be compulsory but would be nice to have the choice. The lead practitioners on the Tapestry account can edit and make the links for me but kind of seems like giving them more to do and may not necessarily be the same as what I would have linked the observation too. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this- good idea/ b…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_69077, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
We have devised our own system to record the Characteristics of Effective Learning and have different characters for different aspects. In the future, would it be possible to add these to this section for observations, so they can be simply ticked. Both the children and parents are aware of these and the parents are used to the children coming home talking about these.
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi It would be really helpful if children could be split into classes on tapestry, which you can go into and then find the child on there. I know from trialling 2simple ( :wacko: ) that this was possible and made it much easier to find children quickly, rather than scrolling down a long list. This would be especially helpful as we have 2 reception class and 2 nursery classes all sharing an outdoor space.
Last reply by Helen, -
- 1 reply
I would like to see the key person and possibly their picture on the reports on the staff page. I would also like another section at the front of the report as an introduction / summary and make the COEL (Key person's overview of child's playing, learning and thinking) optional. We have also accidentally created a report under the wrong key person, so if this feature was introduced we would also need the ability to change the author of reports. Thanks :lol:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55440, -
- 3 replies
Is it possible to view the 'about me' section of a child on the tablets? It would be really useful for practitioners to be able to check things like sleep routines, likes, dislikes etc at the touch of a button. At the moment we have paper copies of this information in each room. As parents can update the information when routines etc change, practitioners would always have the very latest up to date information at their fingertips. We are a new nursery and new to tapestry, so please excuse me if there is already a way to access the 'about me' on the mobile devices. Many thanks
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 reply
It would be really useful to be able to view 'Earliest and Latest Age Bands' based on our latest assessment of age band and refinement rather than an average. Surely, if we have assessed that a child is secure in an area then that should show as the latest band a child has achieved and not an average of the previous assessments in a period.
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 3 replies
It would be great if you could split a group observation in the app and not just on the website. Also, it would be really helpful if we could change the date of any observations in the app too. The only other thing that might be helpful is, again in the app, being able to change the observers name after an observation has been saved. These additions would stop the need to keep on swapping between the app and the website.
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 5 replies
Apologies in advance if this is already available (if it is could someone please tell me how to see it) but would it be possible to have the option when adding observations to be able to make writing bold/different colour/underline/centralised etc as you can on here? I add newsletters as observations and it would be really good if I could make bold certain dates etc? Hope that makes sense! ::1a
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 reply
Hi there I have been asked by the parents of leaving children, how they will access in the future their child's info and whether we could download the whole lot as a complete ARCHIVE on a DVD for their own use. I realize the info can be download in page form but I think somekind of interactive DVD would be superior. I think this is a great idea and would like this facility if you cant do it already ?? Discuss ......
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 2 replies
Hi there Forgive this if this has been discussed or actioned before, but last time I looked , certain functionality especially ADMIN functions were only available via Tapestry on a PC ?
Last reply by FSFRebecca,