Weavers Future Development Suggestions
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
165 topics in this forum
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- 2 replies
Hi, At my setting, we still use the old paper registers and the attendance is manually entered onto a spread sheet. It is very time consuming and percentages of attendance have to be worked out manually as well. I would like to suggest the addition of attendance registers on Tapestry. We would need to be able to pull children’s attendance off in percentages, look at different cohorts and an option to log reasons for absence. We would also need to access real time attendance in case of fire evacuation. There are many online registers out there as well as quite a few other online journals offering it. As we are a smaller stand alone nursery and n…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi I wondered if there has been any progress in a register function being added to Tapestry?? If there has could I ask how long approximately it will be until it will be released? Thanks
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Would it be possible for parents to be able to see who their child’s key worker is? They should know and this would be a visual way of putting name to staff member.
Last reply by RichardTapestrySupport, -
- 3 replies
I would like to see some form of a staff introduction page that parents and children can access that tells them a little bit about them. At The moment we obviously can't have parents in the setting as much as we'd like and I think this would be nice to support the children's transitions getting to see some photos about there Key person or staff at nursery which they can identify with such as photos from home pets hobbies etc. I also find not all staff are key persons or have returned from furlough or maternity and parents might not necessarily know who they were.This would be a nice introduction if they could see a page of all practitioners what room they work in and the…
Last reply by AlexandraTapestrySupport, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Would it be possible to have something that shows parents who their child's key person is?
Last reply by KatTapestrySupport, -
- 1 reply
I would love there to be a way to "pin" observations so that they remain at the top of the list when parents log in. We still use obs to do parent notices (we're just used to doing it this way so I don't fancy changing to memo's). For example, I sent out an observation to all parents asking them to complete our online questionnaire, but I know that this will get forgotten about once other observations get posted out since. Just a thought!
Last reply by KatTapestrySupport, -
- 5 replies
Hi, Any update on the day care diary being made available as an app version? We are really keen to start using it but would prefer an app version for our staff and parents have expressed an interest in the app version. Thanks
Last reply by JoeG, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone! I wondered whether it could be a possibility to have a function for Possible Lines of Development to be added. When we do reports or 2-year checks, we do, of course, have next steps. Staff members then write on a white board when they have concerns so all members of staff can be aware. (We are a small setting all working within one room). I would like an additional page to be available so the next steps could be transferred to it alongside ideas the key people have to provide activities and resources for that child to work towards their next steps. As we also use WellCom, ideas for this could also be added as well as any identified schemas. Hopefully the…
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
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I wonder if TAPESTRY could consider an 'add on' for reporting low level safeguarding concerns. Having briefly looked into CPOMS or My Concerns, i can see the value of such software, but it's very expensive for a small charitable setting. I would certainly consider paying a sensible add on for such a feature within tapestry. I wonder how many other settings would like to see such a feature??
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
- 3 replies
I read a question from 2020 asking if it would be possible to know whether parents have read a memo or not? Was this ever looked into at all? I would really like to know whether my parents have read my memo even though they haven’t liked or commented- thanks
Last reply by KatTapestrySupport,