Weavers Future Development Suggestions
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
165 topics in this forum
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I have recently had a problem where the same child was added twice and it got very confusing because some observations were on one child and some on the other. Would it be possible to give a warning when adding a child with the same name and DOB as someone already in the system?
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 2 replies
Hello, Liam not sure if this has been mentioned before-apologies if it has but I couldn't see a thread! As a manager when I look to attach a child to an observation on the app. As a manager I have to scroll through all 100+ children in my School which has a Nursery and Reception. This is the same for some support staff who teach in different classes throughout the week as I have to attach all of the children to them. I have the children grouped in classes on the websuite and I would find it useful if on the app when you select children you have the option to select the class/group you want first and the select the children from that smaller group without having to sc…
Last reply by OlayaTapestrySupport, -
- 5 replies
I would be a great help if when transferring Tapestry accounts to other settings the reports could go too. I am often printing off reports and sending them manually. Is it in the pipeline? Many thanks
Last reply by OlayaTapestrySupport, -
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Hi I visited a setting recently, that used a different online system (I know, apart from that it was all good) . The only feature I really liked was the ability for parents to order the complete journal at the end as a hard back book. It was a beautiful record of a child's time at pre-school / nursery. I think the manager said that parents ordered direct for about £20. My colleague did take a photo of a sample, I could ask her to pass it on . Could this be an option for Tapestry?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_59777, -
- 4 replies
Apologies if this has been asked before, I’m pretty new to Tapestry still.. I was wondering if there was any developments in the pipeline to introduce a peer on peer observation? I feel this would be a very useful addition to Tapestry. It would help me as manager to observe my staff and also enable them to observe each other without needing all the usual paperwork. Thank you Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 3 replies
Are there any plans to include the EYFSP assessment in Tapestry. This half term I am looking at the ELG statements in preparation so a lot of my assessments are based on the ELG emerging, developing,secure options. It would be extremely helpful if these were emerging, expected, exceeding to link with what we have to do anyway. If this could feed into the EYFSP transfer section it would save so much time as this has to be done separately currently.
Last reply by OlayaTapestrySupport, -
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- 2 replies
When looking at this section of the tracking section, some observations do not show up if a statement has not been ticked. For example, we click on the check box for the ELG but not on the check box for the ELG statement and the observation is not shown in the tracking. Can this be changed?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
- 1 follower
- 26 replies
Please can we have a way of seeing how many observations that staff have done of a child in a period, both published and unpublished. Currently if you look at the children page, the numbers there include anything parents have put on. If you go to thoroughness then it doesn't show unpublished observations or ones that have COEL attached to them. This would allow me as a manager to be able to look and check that staff are doing enough observations on their children. Thanks
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 1 reply
How can we include Reports in the final file download when children leave?
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
1- We use the ‘What to expect when’ document with new parents to assess and form a baseline (I think lots of other providers do too), are there any plans (or could there be) to add this as another type assessment tool ? 2- I really like the new development matters assessment on the tracking page, but as we’ve stopped ‘ticking’ statements when we do observations it, like many of the analysis features tell me nothing so I am now thinking about going back to using the statements, my question is would it be possible to somehow show which statements have already been ‘ticked’, either by greying out or having a number against them when doing an ob ? (I know this would …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805,