Weavers Future Development Suggestions
Please post any ideas / suggestions for future Tapestry development here. This will help us to monitor ideas and allow us and you to discuss the ideas before moving forward
165 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Please may you make the option to print off the journal in order of the areas of the eyfs for moderation purposes instead of having to travel through the pages looking for individual evidence. This is how a paper journal would be laid out (typically).
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
‘We have added a new Montessori Summative Assessment screen to Tapestry, from which you will be able to manually add assessments and refinements for Montessori activities without having to add a full observation!‘ This sounds wonderful if you use Montessori and something I’ve always thought would make life easy if you could do the same in the EYFS individual summative screen ....is there any chance this could be included?
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 reply
Hi Is it possible to have a vote system on future progress requests? I see quite a few posts all over the forum for the same thing and it would be nice to see ho many folk might find the same thing useful?xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Morning all, I have been in touch with Tapestry regarding the time stamp on observations and they have asked me to post here to see what other people feel. I can see why the time element is really useful for some settings especially with those in pre - school / nursery where logging a time is important. However I am finding that in a Reception class a large majority of our observations are written up at the end of the day or late in the day when we have the time to sit and do them. We love using Tapestry but for our setting the time stamp is not necessary and it can be very time consuming to have to change the time element for each observation, especially when it is on…
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I would like to suggest the option of hiding when a grading has been manually defined in the tracking. The option of manually defining is really useful but I think it looks messy to see the little icons showing that you've changed it. I have had a little look at the settings and it doesn't appear that you can - but if I am wrong please correct me!
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 2 replies
When I add learning points to my observations I personally don't refine by EME, DEV or SEC. When I print out the PDFs I get a big 'No Refinement' label on each one which really does not need to be there. Can I remove this and if not could it be arranged so I could. Parents don't understand what it means, I don't want them thinking that I believe their children are unrefined!!
Last reply by OlayaTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am the joint manager in a small setting. There are 6 of us in total. We have set the target of x amount of observations to be uploaded onto Tapestry per key child, per week. The younger team members are not achieving this target. They are not putting in the work but I am having to go through each child's learning journal and noting down the number of observations their keyperson has logged for that month. I then have evidence for supervision meetings they are not meeting the observation target. Can Tapestry add a keyperson tracking system so I can select any key person and it shows the amount of observations they've uploaded for a set period? it would really help w…
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
It would be good to click on a child and be able to see all the Characteristics of effective learning what a child has marked off
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 3 replies
Apologies if this has already been asked elsewhere. It would be really useful to have the option of highlighting sections of an observation to show the teaching that has taken place. Is this something that could be done?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 3 replies
Dear Tapestry and fellow 'Weavers', Our setting is currently in the exciting phase of planning a brand new purpose built nursery setting; however I've been advised by our Governors that due to concerns with the impact of radiation on young people's development that we will not have access to wifi or be able to use any form of 3G devices in our new building. We will hard-wired Ethernet cable for internet access so will be able to use laptops but will lose our current freedom to update Tapestry on the go with our ipads! Has anyone else found this a consideration? I understand that there has been legislation in France, Canada and Russia to ban wifi in nurseries but…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33852,