Tapestry change log
This forum will give you information weekly regarding changes and developments to Tapestry
172 topics in this forum
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To help you with your end of Key Stage 2 teacher assessments on Tapestry, you will now find on the Formative and Summative Assessment screens, any KS2 Year 4/5/6 statements within English, Maths and Science that are important for the assessment, will be highlighted with a star icon. We added this so teachers are able to quickly and easily see which statements will need to be considered for their submission. The tutorials linked below will talk you through where to find the Formative and Summative Assessments screens on Tapestry which include these highlighted statements and how to use them. Assessing with the KS1 and KS2 frameworks KS…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 0 replies
We've just added two brand new permissions to Tapestry regarding who can (or can not) edit observations. Before this change, it was set so that staff could edit any observation they could see and relatives could never edit an observation. While these are still the default rules, we've now added two new permissions so you can change this. These new permissions are: 1. Allow users to edit their own observations This permission can be changed for both relatives and staff. By default staff can edit their own observations but relatives cannot. 2. Allow users to edit observations created by other people This permission can only be changed for staff. By…
Last reply by Andy, -
- 1 follower
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When you delete a report it will now stay on your account for 30 days, during which time, a manager will be able to restore it from within Tapestry. You can use the page filters on the 'All Reports' page to view all reports with that new 'deleted' status. Please note that this won't apply to reports deleted before 10am today (25/3/19).
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 0 replies
From now on it is possible to bulk export accident forms for individual and groups of children for an specific period of time. You will be able to determine the date range you'd like to export the accident forms for when going to control panel > manage children > clicking on the cog by the profile of the child whose accident forms you’d like to export > bulk export accident forms. You will be able to choose a start and end date. The system will then create an export for those completed accident forms that fall within that range. Please note that any forms that haven’t been signed off will not be exported. You can also bulk export accident forms create…
Last reply by OlayaTapestrySupport, -
- 0 replies
Parents can now see how many other children have been included in a group observation that their child is included in. Please note this just means they can see the number of other children and it does not mean they can see the names of other children attached (unless these have been written in the notes section). Also, if you have allowed parents to be able to comment on group observations, they will also see a note informing them that this comment will be visible to other relatives who have children included in the observation.
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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All Tapestry data is processed inside of the EU; our storage and servers are located in the EU, as is our head office and most of our staff. We do have some staff outside of the EU who cannot see your data. However, you can now allow them to see your data. This may mean we respond to your support tickets more quickly, particularly if you are in a time-zone that differs significantly from the UK. If this is something you would like to do, you can find the option to enable this by going to the Control Panel -> Data Protection.
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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We've made a small change to navigation bar on the browser version of Tapestry, meaning there are now two rows that you'll see at the top of the screen. The first row will have your setting name in the top left-hand corner, your notification bell and your name from which you can select the drop-down. On the second row you will the different sections on Tapestry that you can access, such as observations and the children page. The reason we have added this is to allow more space at the top where we will be able to add new features in the future. Below you can see what this looked like before and after. Before After
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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On the Observations page, to allow you to narrow down the observations you see, we have 'Page Filters'. You can use these to narrow down the observations by things such as with/without media, made by relatives etc. To this list, we've now added a filter so you can search by whether an observation has the additional information field filled in. This tutorial gives you more information about using the page filters on Tapestry.
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 0 replies
Each Tapestry account has a unique ID number used to identify your account for our internal purposes. This will now be displayed to all Tapestry managers in the Tapestry control panel 'Setting Overview' section. You will not normally need to know it or pay attention to it but for some support enquiries we may request that you tell us what it is. To find your account ID, login to Tapestry on the web browser version at https://tapestryjournal.com/ using a manager login and click your name in the top right corner and select 'control panel'. On the default setting overview screen you will see the following text at the bottom of the page: …
Last reply by JoeG, -
- 1 follower
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You can now export the group summative assessments for the years in KS1 and 2 as PDF files.
Last reply by Lauren,