Tapestry user conversations
Here is a place for you to chat and share your Tapestry experiences. You can also tell us here about how you are using Tapestry in your setting. If you have a particular user issue that relates to your own account please send in a support ticket to customer.service@eyfs.info
561 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hello, I was just wondering if there is a way for parents to be able to see their child's Key Worker on Tapestry? The staff all have a picture on Tapestry and I think it's important the parents can see who their child's Key Worker is and feel more confident to approach them, rather than just a 'name.' Thanks!
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 4 replies
Good evening, We have been using Tapestry for about a year now. This year there is only myself who has actively used Tapestry during that time. I have given my new team the first half term to acquaint themselves with it. However, I am now in a situation where there is insufficient evidence I.e. Number of observations. I am looking for some ideas of what we should be expecting. Has anyone got an agreement about the number of observations that should be recorded per week? Do you have a minimum amount for Lit/ Maths? many thanks mel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1012, -
- 2 replies
Can the send assessments be used for summative assessment now or in the future?
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, My senior leadership team have requested that I produce a document that shows where children should be at by the end of the academic year based on their starting points. This data will be used to show that the children have made expected progress which is 3 steps in our Nursery setting. (It is, of course, hoped that we will be able to 'add value' by the end of the year so that the children are in, or above, the ARE/ expected development age range). :unsure: The starting point for this data will be last year's, end of term 3, summative assessment data for existing students from our Pre-Nursery class and our new baselines for 'new to the setting' students. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35807, -
- 3 replies
Hello I'm getting quite confused with these terms. Am I right in thinking that "Activating" is when they have been sent the initial email and it is waiting for them to sign up. "Last active" I presume is when they have last logged on to Tapestry? So if a parent is simply listed as "Active" - have they ever logged on? Could it be that they just use the app/emails to view observations? I have a lot of parents still listed as "Active" and I can't work out if it means they are viewing things or aren't and whether I should be chasing them/sending reset password emails!? Not sure if this is an obvious question or not! Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75704, -
- 3 replies
Hi We are trying to unlock manually overridden statements to allow new observations and assessments to build up in Summative Assessments. In an earlier thread it was advised to click on Show Details against a child's summative assessment and that this would then allow new assessments to appear. We have tried this but it does not seem to work... any advice gratefully received!
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
We would like to add next step(s) to each observation. How do we do this in Tapestry? At the moment we can only print next steps separately after we have clicked on the 'next steps' on each child's profile. There seems to be no facility for adding the next step to each printed observation.
Last reply by Helen, -
- 5 replies
Should my baseline be when the children first started and our on entry data or now as we move over to tapestry? Can I add on the data for this terms assessment manually?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi I am new and am currently awaiting for payment to be processed to be upgraded to the full version . I am trying to add an observation - I want to upload a word document - can this only be done when I have full access? It allows me to uplaod a photo but not a word/pdf -can anyone help please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_37203, -
- 3 replies
Is there a way that as a manager on Tapestry, you can send a message to all parents at one time without having to add every child individually? I assume it would be sent as a normal observation, or is there another way that I have missed? Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14389,