Resources: Queries, Suggestions, Links
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Links To Suppliers
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all Can anyone recommend good sites for buying resources. I had saved links that were posted in the past in my favorites, but my computer had a fit and I lost everything! I have the usual NES catalogues etc but i remember there being some good sites for reasonably priced equipment. At the moment i am looking for physical ideas, but any sites will be welcome to use in the future (this time i will write them down using good old fashioned pen and paper ) Cheers and Happy New Year Jo
Snowmen Cake Decorations!
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi can anyone help me, i am trying to create a small world artic/ winter tray, have got the snow effect and ice cubes etc but really need some small world snowmen, penguins, robins etc. I thought about cake decorations as they would be the right size but don't have any cake shops locally!!!!!! does anyone know if supermarkets, shops (not ELC, I have asked!) have them??!! thanks charlotte
- 7 replies
Does anyone know the extra verses for Incy Wincy Spider? I know the one about the snow but I think that there is one about fog too? Can you help? Sue
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
6 Term Year
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi, This is to preschools and schools, We now have 6 Terms per year, I asked my EY management team, ( the people who deal with the Education grant funding) when the Term 1 starts. They said, Start of the Calender year ie: Spring is Terms 1 & 2 Summer Terms 3 & 4 Autumn Terms 5 & 6 but................................... they don't know if this will change to - Academic year ie: Autumn Terms 1 & 2 Spring Terms 3 & 4 Summer Terms 5 & 6 or...................................... they don't know if this will change to - Financial year ie: Summer Terms 1 & 2 Autumn Terms 3 & 4 Spring Terms 5 & 6 Confused…
Nativity Stencils
by Guest- 3 replies
Has anyone ( not opposed to stencils at this busy time of year!) got or made any stencils of the nativity such as mary, joseph, shephards etc cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 5 replies
In my last post, I had the opposite problem with water, in that too many children wanted to play in it and there was always water all over the class room floor!!!!!!!!! This year for some strange reason, the children do not use the water area, it is fully resourced i.e. measruing equip, shells, boats etc etc. next term we are doing 'ourselves' so i will put dolls in and have bubbles etc but has anyone any ideas for enticing children into the water. have tried glitter and coloured water............ your suggestions plllleeeeeeaaasse!!!!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_468, -
by Guest- 2 replies
list 2 activities that you could use with children that would help them to understand bullying and safe secrets and unsafe secrets? state the age of the children. HELP PLEASE!!
Animal Stories
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello can anyone help? I have to do a creative activity and getting children to use there imagination (C10 on NVQ 3) i thought of getting children to make play doh animals using different parts of animals bodies. Such as a elephants trunk and monkey's ears, frogs legs perhaps. i was going to get them to draw them and then make them after. Some one mentioned there was a story that fitted in well but they couldnt remember what it was called. They thought it was umpa something. Does anyone know the story?
Hand-eye Coordination
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi there, We have had a pair of wooden tongs which the children have enjoyed using to pick up small items out of sand tray, water tray e.t.c, but they have finally broken. I can only find the chunky ended food server tongs when I have looked. Has anyone any ideas where you can find suitable ones or has anyone any ideas of similar activities? Thanks Lynda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3544, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know of any good websites for foundation stage children to use. So far we have been using cbeebies, but i would like to find some others too Cheers BB