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- 5 replies
Has anyone seen small lead pencils for sale anywhere? Ikea have them by the lorry load for customers but I dont like taking the amount i usually want. Coloured pencils come in small, but I havent seen lead. I think they would be so much easier for small hands to hold and control.
- 7 replies
Hi, I need some books that tell the committee roles and responsibilities. I've got one somewhere from the PLA but are there any others you could recommend? Something that gives an idea of what parents can get out of being involved would be useful. thanks
- 10 replies
I have some spare cash to spend on new equipment and am thinking of purchasing a light box. I have seen some in use but do not want to make an expensive mistake. As I have to put away each day and have restrictive storage space it would have to be small and portable but large enough for a small group of children to use together.Any ideas and experience welcome.
Plastic Bag Weaving
by Guest- 4 replies
I heard you can make a lovely and waterproof mural by waeving with plastic bags. Has anyone tried?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Healthy Snacks
by Guest- 3 replies
I feel like I'm stuck in a rut with children's snacks. We offer toast, cheese & crackers, carrot sticks,raisins, various fruits and sometimes fruit loaf on a fairly consistent basis. Porridge, soup and bread/biscuits baked by the children are also offered occasionally, but I'd really appreciate any more original ideas - even better if they're things that children could prepare themselves. I bet someone's got some creative ideas!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 9 replies
Right, thinking caps on we're making chocolate nests tomorrow but have a child who's not allowed milk or egg, even in biscuits. Where can I get some dairy free chocolate in a hurry??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Recomended Book
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, everybody I just wanted to share with you this book. 'A corner to learn' Neil Griffiths It is apsolutly fantastic and ful of ideas and pictures about roll play and displays. I am sure lots of you allready saw it but for these who didn't is MUST SEE.
Found 2 Good Sites
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Not sure if this is in the right place, or if people want web addresses but I came across these today For good, reasonably priced resources including multicultural: and amongst other things great source of songs Peggy
- 2 replies
Has anyone any ideas on what I can do with this? I need to design a poster and I'm not quite sure what to do. The audience can be for children, other agencies or the staffroom wall information. I suppose I could always do it on bullying but I fancied something different. Hope that makes sense!
Light Box
by Guest- 4 replies
We have a light box in our nusery. It is large, glass topped and needs to be pugged in to mains electricity. Does anyone have any better ideas than the one it came with - leave it out with stones on top!