Resources: Queries, Suggestions, Links
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- 2 replies
Hello I am an NQT and have an interview coming up for a Reception teacher post. We have been asked to read a Year 1 class a story for 10 minutes, which is fine, followed by an activity for 10 children which can take place inside or outside "allowing the children to explore, ask questions and develop their ability to work in a sustained way" the task needs to also be an "exciting first hand experience". Any ideas are welcome, I ideally would like the story I read to link to the activity but am struggling to think of anything exciting! I did think about reading Jack and the beansgtalk and then doing a maths activity where the children can estimate and then measure th…
- 7 replies
Does anyone know of any good resources to support friendship issues. We're experiencing some real upsets around 'best friends' and who likes and dislikes who. I wondered if there might be any books perhaps that we could use to discuss friendships. We've tried endlessly talking about us all being friends but the message is not getting through. Karen x
Progress Matters
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi All, We want to start using the Progress Monitor but can only find one with the dates from 2008 to 2011 Is there an up to date version - or can anyone change it themselves - I don't know enough about excel to even attempt it!
Medieval/renaisance Music?
by Guest- 5 replies
My class have become fascinated by castles and the middle ages. I was hoping to be able to play them some music from this period, but I don't seem to be able to find any. I'm looking for the sort of music which sounds medieval (does that make sense, using the old instruments like hurdy gurdys and things!) but I can't seem to find any online. Anyone know of any sites with music like this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Furniture For Packaway Settings
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, Does any one know of suppliers who offer ingenious furniture options for packaway settings? I'm looking to open a preschool and have a 7x10m room to zone out with furniture/resources etc (I want to be able to offer a well zoned constructive space for the children), but then I need to pack it all away into a room approx 1.5 x 3m! Anyone able to offer me some pointers??? Thanks!
- 7 replies
Ages ago I read a poem on here that was about school and home working together, that you couldn't have one without the other, the value of both ...I'm sure there was something in it about clay, or moulding children... It's exactly what I need for my parents' workshop but I've done a forum search - a bit too broad, on 'poem' - can't find it and I'm going cross eyed with the number of poems I've read! Can anyone help? Thank you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
- 9 replies
I have just been given some money from my parish council so that I can buy a new changing unit for preschool. I would prefer one with steps as some of our littlies are a bit hefty!! Does anyone know where I can get a decent one at a good price. I have £500 to spend so may have to change the idea of having steps but any advice is greatly welcome
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19733, -
- 43 replies
I've done a search and found some posts about using wood in the nursery, but I need to know, what wood is best to use, it obviously needs to be soft, what tools are best, where the best resources for small hands can be bought without being 'child sized' specifically and basically any tips about things you've tried and would/wouldnt do again. Its for my tutoring role and since I havent done woodwork for years I'd appriciate your ideas. Thanks folks
- 24 replies
Does anybody have any idea where I would be able to find a pretend birthday cake to share in assemblies and such like. I have looked at the ELC and wooden variations but they are not really what we are looking for. I remember when I was at school (many moons ago!!) we had this grand realistic looking cake which was HUGE!! I have searched and searched the web to no avail Any ideas folks???!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Where To Buy Discovery Trays?
by Guest- 16 replies
Does anyone know where I can buy some trays like these without having an educational account? Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_32166,