Resources: Queries, Suggestions, Links
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- 2 replies
With the weather being so hot, I'm going to set up a paddling pool for my class next week. I've not done this before and just wondered if there were any particular official or recommended guidelines for changing into and out of swimming costumes as obviously they'll be taking all their clothes off, which doesn't happen otherwise (except at the beginning of the year when the odd child gets a bit confused / carried away changing for PE! ). Obviously children not being alone changing with one adult, boys and girls changing separately (but can more than one child of same sex get changed in same room? Or do they need complete privacy?) Is there anything else I really need to …
Resources For Outdoor Area
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi am about to spend a fair amount of money on resourcing the outdoor area for a class of reception year 1 children. Does anyone have any good resources that they have bought and use all the time which would be good for my area? Any suggestions would be gratefully received!! Ta Kazdav1
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Seeking Children's Views
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, I'm trying to devise some questions/resources to use with children to seek their views on their time with me and moving on to next setting. I think I remember seeing some quidance on child conferencing either on the ofsted website or the EYS but cant't find it - does anybody know what i mean or have anything they use in their own settings they could share many thanks
- 7 replies
Hi We have some money to revamp our home corner as the units are falling to bits. Had a quick look through some books but everything looks like it will last two minutes (like most things these days). Has anyone recently bought any units for their home corner? thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_665, -
- 5 replies
Hi I have foolishly agreed to do a little sing song next Friday during an open evening using a song whose lyrics I only sort of remember. Not one of my brightest moments. The words go something like this... How long is it til we get there? Does this road go on to everywhere? How long is long, how far is far, safe and sound inside our motor car. Going home, going home there is nothing quite like going home. Repeat twice!! If anyone knows what this is really called or where I might find the music, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Tyre Trauma!
by Guest- 11 replies
I was having one of those days - you know - when you stare at the outside area and wonder what you could do to make it more interesting, more vibrant, more fun - without spending any money. I know - i thought - I will call the local breakers and see if they have any tyres, my lot love climbing. No problem they said, we will deliver them for free - their next question is one that perhaps in hindsight I should have considered more carefully however when they asked me what size I wanted I simply relplied - 'nothing too big - just a couple of small ones' - little did I know that their idea of big was not my idea of big - I returned from lunch yesterday to find 2 tractor tyr…
- 9 replies
Hi all, I have just saved a thread to my "subscriptions" as I want to be able to come back and find it later, didn't request any email notifications, but now I'm wondering where I go to to look for the threads I've subscribed to??! Thanks in advance for your tips!
- 5 replies
Can anyone direct me to the policies in the resourse library please. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 13 replies
Hi, We're a pre-school in the village hall and our staff have to take down ALL displays - posters, children's work, notices, etc. - when there is an event in the hall. This time of year that can mean every weekend and even sometimes during the week. I'm planning to push my committee to invest in some noticeboards and then get some hooks put on the walls, so that we can hook these on and off. (I hope I'm making sense so far.) The hall committee have agreed to this and there is a wooden rail where we can fix the hooks. I've priced this up for cork boards and we're looking at about £450-£500 (based on the Staples price). We need 16 x 60/40cm, 5 x 90/60cm and …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 13 replies
Hi. We have recently had staff photographs taken by a company to enable us to make up a staff ID board. I have searched through all my supply catalogues, ebay, internet etc but just cant come up with anything suitable. I need a 16 apeture board max! Can anyone pleeeeeease point me in the right direction?? dottyp