Childcare and Early Education APPG
This forum will help you keep up to date regarding the work of the Childcare and Early Education APPG of which we are sponsors. The Early Years Alliance, the National Day Nurseries Association, CACHE, Tops Day Nurseries, Dingley's Promise and the Montessori Group are also sponsors, committed to making sure the voice of early years is heard in Parliament.
The APPG for Childcare and Early Education was constituted in September 2017 as a timely response to a growing number of issues facing the sector, including the Government’s 30-hour ‘free’ childcare policy, business rates, and VAT. This cross-party group provides a forum to constructively examine and debate the role that policy makers can play to support childcare and early education providers, and to help ensure that every child gets the best start in life.
30 topics in this forum
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As you will be aware The Foundation Stage Forum (FSF) is proud to sponsor the Childcare and Early Education APPG along with PLA, NDNA, Cache and the Tops Day Nurseries group. We have worked hard with our co-sponsors over the last year to raise the profile of the PVI sector with MPs and Ministers and this culminated in our lobby day last July. In this second year, the APPG is launching an inquiry into the financial sustainability of the sector. Nursery World reported on the inquiry last week saying: "The All-Party Parlimentary Group (APPG) for Childcare and Early Education will hold the first two sessions of the inquiry on Wednesday 14 November at the House of Commons…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 reply
This morning Neil Leitch CEO of the Preschool Learning Alliance is speaking on the Victoria Derbyshire programme about the problems that providers are having delivering the Governments 30 hours free childcare pledge. It's a 5 minute piece, starts at about 10.13.30 in the recording - you can skip forward to it! Victoria Derbyshire programme
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 3 replies
Hopefully you will have seen some of the press coverage we received for the APPG lobby day yesterday - we had coverage on The Victoria Derbyshire programme, in the Financial Times and also in the Guardian. Each of the five sponsors made a brief speech explaining the importance of the APPG and urging providers to lobby their MPs to raise the problematic issues faced by the sector. the speech I made on behalf of the Foundation Stage Forum is below: "My name is Rebecca and I’m here representing The Foundation Stage Forum who are proud to be one of the sponsors of this important APPG. The Foundation Stage Forum is a very active online community of over 37,000 early year…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
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We are jointly hosting the APPG childcare and early education lobby day at Westminster next Wednesday. If there is anyone else who who like to join us in London then please let me know, we have a few spare place which we can give out! You can come and chat to MPs or just listen to the speakers , whichever you would prefer - you can also meet the FSF team (if that is a good thing! )
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
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Following the recent APPG meeting where Michelle Dyson (DfE) spoke regarding the funding and childcare costs faced by settings, we were asked to provide 'hard' evidence from the sector. I have received from the DfE today a template document that will be used to inform decisions by DfE. Here is the content of the email: "We wish to give providers the opportunity to provide evidence of their costs to the Department. To this end, we have developed the attached template which is intended to capture relevant information and data in a manageable way. Any provider can complete the template and return it directly to us by the end of April 2018. You may also wish to know th…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 3 replies
As you all know we are sponsoring the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Childcare and Early Education. There is a meeting at Westminster on November 1st 2-3pm. As one of the sponsors we have 10 invitations that we can offer to providers who would welcome an opportunity to meet the MPs and put their views and circumstances across. The purpose of the meeting, ahead of the Budget, is to examine why so many non-maintained childcare and early education providers across the country operate at a loss. Speakers and attendees will discuss the financial pressures facing such providers and discuss a range of ideas and possible policy solutions to resolve this. Early Years Minis…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 follower
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We have some invitations that we can share with FSF members if anyone would like to attend the APPG and listen to the speakers. The agenda is below: "Joanne McCartney AM, Deputy Mayor for Education and Childcare, who will discuss the steps the London Assembly is taking to address workforce issues, including the Early Years Hubs scheme. Michelle Dyson, Director for Early Years and Childcare at the Department for Education, who will provide an update from the Department. Jamie Leith, co-founder of Manny & Me, who will discuss diversification and encourage more men into the early years workforce." If you would like to ask about coming to the meeting please …
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 11 replies
As you know, we are representing your views at the APPG early years and childcare meeting at Westminster next week. It would be extremely helpful if you could answer this very quick survey to give us some data to take forward. You can be anonymous! -Thank you Business rates and 30 hours survey
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 0 replies
As we told you back in September we are one of the sponsors of the new Childcare and Early Education APPG. You can read all about it here. We have a meeting on November 1st to discuss, amongst other things, the impact of business rates and VAT on the PVI sector. If you have any information you can share can you please let me know? I'm keen to hear from anyone who has a 'Rates' story to share ... huge increases, unsuccessful appeals, correspondence with local MPs anything really about financial impact. We need hard facts and evidence to present at the meeting, there will be many MPs in attendance. This is your opportunity to get your situation known - we want to be able…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 reply
You will remember back in June that we announced our involvement with the Childcare and Early Education APPG - if you missed it, you can read all about it here: All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) The first meeting was held yesterday and I was proud to attend representing the FSF. Here is the press release telling you all about it! Tulip Siddiq to lead new cross-party childcare and early education group Tulip Siddiq, the Labour MP for Hampstead and Kilburn and former Shadow Early Years Minister, has been confirmed as Chair of the Childcare and Early Education All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG). Ms Siddiq is an influential and experienced voice in Parliament on ea…
Last reply by FSFRebecca,