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Setting up and using the Key Stage 1 and 2 frameworks


  1. How to set up the KS1 and KS2 assessment frameworks   (842 visits to this link)

    This written tutorial will talk you through how to set up the KS1 and/or KS2 assessment frameworks on your Tapestry account

  2. Setting Key Stage Maintained Achievement Points for children   (779 visits to this link)

    This tutorial will explain how you can set up Maintained Achievement Points for children on your account. You can then use these to track whether children are being assessed where you expected them to be throughout the year. 

  3. Setting up the KS1/KS2 frameworks PowerPoint   (807 visits to this link)

  4. How to assess with the KS1 and KS2 frameworks   (956 visits to this link)

    After you have set up the KS1 and/or KS2 framework/s on your account you can then learn how to assess with them by following this tutorial.

  5. Setting it so staff can only see children in their class   (902 visits to this link)

    These tutorials will help you set it so that staff can only see children in their class, or if you allow want to allow them to have the choice whether to see all children or just children in their class, how staff can set this themselves.

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  6. KS1 and KS2 activities infographics   (996 visits to this link)

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