Foundation Stage Forum News
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111 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Just to let you know the software upgrade to the site is now more or less complete and we're back online. See, it wasn't so bad was it? Any areas that look slightly different are as a result of the upgrade but hopefully the new functionality and features will fit comfortably into the old layout. This topic is closed, but members can visit the Lounge to discuss any issues with the site! I've set up a new topic here
Last reply by Steve, -
- 9 replies
Hi all - Apologies for any inconvenience any of you may have suffered. The forum lost its database for about ten minutes a little earlier. But I found it and dusted it down and we're all back looking shiny and newly polished! I should take the time to let you know that on Friday or early next week (as mentioned in the recent newsletter) we'll be upgrading the FSF. We may be offline for half a day but hopefully it will be less than that!
Last reply by Steve, -
- 0 replies
Hi - In case things look a little weird to you, I thought you ought to know that, as I've been threatening for some time, we've upgraded the forum software. Some things may look a little odd but hopefully not too much so. For the next day I've disabled new registrations while I check the subscriptions side of things and make sure it's all working as it should. I've opened up a topic in the lounge for people to post any issues they find, and over the next couple of days I'll list some of the new features that are now available!
Last reply by Steve, -
- 11 replies
Hi all - Apologies for the recent downtime on the Forum. A problem with the database resulted in a peculiar error message that you may have been getting. I've fixed it now, but I was away from yesterday morning until recently and there was no-one else available to sort it out! Hope you didn't miss us too much... Regards, Steve.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
- 13 replies
Hi all - In case anyone is finding the appearance of the Forum a little unfamiliar this morning (12th March 2005), this is to let you know that we have upgraded the software. Some new features are involved, and some glitches still remain which will be sorted out promptly! One thing it might be worth pointing out for people who use the front page to keep track of recent posts, is that the last posts panel no longer includes posts from the Lounge/Golden Time area. This is because frequent 'Happy Birthday' posts and other social aspects of the Forum would frequently fill up the panel. This gets confusing for visitors and guests who can't actually access these part…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
New Chatroom! 1 2
by Steve- 31 replies
Hi all - This is just to let you know that the chatroom software has been updated, so if it looks a little unfamiliar, you know why. One of the new features I was keen to see is that for those of you with sensitive eyes, it is now possible to customize the background colour to your own preference. I haven't had time to play with it yet, but let me know if there are any problems!
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 0 replies
Hi - Huge apologies for the forum part of the site being inaccessible for most of today! The problem is now resolved with all databases being fully restored (aside from the last few posts at 11pm ish last night (see the attachment below for the clever people who spotted the problem before we lost the database completely! Their posts are named "Where has everyone gone", which was very apt if you were online at the time...) I won't bore you with a technical explanation - the problem lay with the hosting service providers, so there was little I could do but chew my nails, which are a lot shorter this evening.
Last reply by Steve, -
- 7 replies
Hi all - Just a quick apology for the chat fans amongst you! We have a couple of technical glitches which mean the live chat is temporarily unavailable. Should be back in a couple of days. Sorry!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 0 replies
Hi - Although there has been lots of discussion and a few pages and menu items, as well as an email newsletter created to try to make people aware of the site changes, I'm still getting a few puzzled emails from people who aren't sure why they can't access the whole site any more, so this item is for anyone who is still unsure of what is happening: At the same time as the site re-launch a month ago, since when you will hopefully have noticed a big change in the site appearance and functionality, we introduced a subscription charge for full access to the site. This is explained more fully here, or you can also read various pages in the 'About Us' menu item at the top …
Last reply by Steve, -
- 0 replies
For those of you who prefer not to receive admin emails, the last forum update email is available here.
Last reply by Steve,