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Troubleshooting with relative's accounts


  1. Can't add relative as it says "This email address is already in use"   (278 visits to this link)

    If you experience this issue on Tapestry you will need to take a look at this tutorial to resolve the problem. 

  2. How to fix duplicate relative accounts   (288 visits to this link)

    This tutorial will talk you through what to do if you have duplicate relative account on your Tapestry.

  3. Troubleshooting for relative logging in issues   (306 visits to this link)

    If any of the relative's set up on your Tapestry account are having problems logging in to their account, please take a look at this tutorial which will help you work out what the issue is.

  4. Transfer: Managing Your Received Relatives   (265 visits to this link)

    If you have received a child transfer from another setting and this has included their associated relatives this tutorial will explain how to manage them on your account. 

  5. How to reactivate an inactive or deleted relative   (270 visits to this link)

    If a relative has been made or inactive or deleted from your account and you want to restore them, this tutorial will talk you through how to do this. 

  6. How to retry a user's activation   (334 visits to this link)

    There are a few situations when you might find yourself needing to send a new activation email or having to retry a user's activation through a different method. This tutorial explains how you can do so. 

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