Undergraduate level study
606 topics in this forum
- 16 replies
Hello everyone, Just wanted to share some news. Myself and a friend a good friend whom I met on the foundation degree course two years ago have just attended our graduation day. It was really fantastic, it made all the hard work, long hours family rows all seem so worth while. We were so proud of ourselves. Most of our family were there, our children had a day off they were really excited and proud of their mums. I just want to say a massive good luck to those of you out there nearly embarkin on your foundation degrees, it really does fly by. Only one more year for the BA and me and my friend will hopefully all fingers and toes crossed will be gradua…
- 9 replies
I have been called for an interview for the Foundation degree course and has been asked to write a 500 word essay on evaluating my own practice. Does anyone know what headings l have to use.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 8 replies
Well at least the end of term came with some excellent news. I have passed my first year part time modules, the 5 modules I have took have given me an average running score of 60%. Overall I have my January modules completions at 50% and 52%, then April/May modules at 62% plus 2 at 68%. Now all I need to do is complete the other 2 level 4 modules and start on my level 5 modules and the jobs a good one. Hopefully I will be able to find a job in childcare as now I have the offical paper stating what modules I have passed instead of saying 'oh I have.....' in interviews. Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Thesis Template
by Guest- 2 replies
Here is a useful thesis template. http://boe.mcdo.k12.wv.us/TitleI/Forms/forms/Thesis.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
- 4 replies
Hi I am wanting to complete my eyps as soon as possible at the moment just doing my FD should I bypass collecting the FD and use my credit points and just add 60 more to make a BA or should I claim the FD and add 100 more points to get the BA and have a fd and a BA?? Or should I do the FD register with a EYPS provider and do the long extended pathway and do my EYPS and BA top up together in 15 months. Any suggestions would be great. Shelley
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Hi Everyone, just wanted to say, well really i want to shouttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt, but i am containing myself I have been accepted at college to do the Foundation Degree, i only sent the application in on Tuesday had a phone call on Thursday to call me for an interview on the Friday morning, was told i would know in 2 to 3 weeks, but when i came home from work today, there was a letter telling me i have been accepted, conditionally upon references and CRB and evidence of my Level 3. Which are all in place, i am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited. Thank you for listening. Rosepetal
Funding Approved
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello everyone, just had the letter this morning to say that my application for funding from my LA to start the FD with the OU has been approved. Feeling quite excited and nervous at the same time. I am now waiting to hear from the OU, course starts this October - so if anyone out there wants to join up to share thoughts, ideas, pelase let me know - it's XXXX amount of years since I did my NNEB - in fact my 2 eldest daughters will be at Uni, at the same time as me studying at home! OOooh hope I've done the right thing .
Television Effect On Literacy Development
by Guest justinece- 12 replies
HI I am doing my specialist practitioner research project on the effects of television on children's development. I have my two journals that say that it television can help children's literacy development but I cannot find any journals or publications that say that television causes detrimental effects on their development. Does anyone know of any journal articles that say tv has detrimental affect on literacy development. Only negatives I can find of tv seem to relate to violence not literacy.
I'm Really Stuck!
by Guest- 2 replies
I am still doing my child protection assignment, and I'm finding it really hard going. I know what I want to say but apparently I'm being too descriptive. I need to draw out the essence of the case, according to my tutor, but I can't seem to cut it down to what would be considered important. It's getting me down now...
Research Project
by Guest- 9 replies
Well, went into college today and we have been given our first piece of work to do for year 2 (and we're not even there yet!). We have to do a research project on a topic of our choice but obviously related to ealry years. In light of recent events, I am considering researching the impact of terrorism on young children within the early years as it is a 'here and now' topic. I was wondering whether or not this would be a good idea or whether it will be too big an issue to research? It can't be too big and it can't be too small. The other problem I have is finding literature to read around it. What do you think? Any suggestions where I could go to find out some goo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195,