Undergraduate level study
606 topics in this forum
Learning And Development In Children
by Guest- 1 reply
i have a module to complete on learning and development in children looking at the role of environment, culture, gender and genetics and their role upon their learning and development. I have oly just realised that i know have to relate to some work based pratcice which my tutor forgot to mention!!!BOooo. just wondering if anyone had any ideas have some theories etc, but i laso have to metion some recent political debates and refer to s.e.n all in 3,500 words!!! impossible!!!! Ahhhh please help?? Thankyou to everyone that has posted in the post ure help is so much appreciated!!! sometimes its nice to recieve feedback from other people. Emma xXx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 4 replies
I don't belive it! :wacko: It has just taken me 2 hours to remodel my porfolio work for Core Skills for Foundation Degree module AND now its completed so I can hand it in in the morning. What a great feeling. It has been a nightmare of a task to complete and if she doesn't like it tough tell me what to do then! Now I hope to complete my first 4 tasks for Personal, Development and Mangement Module by Friday as most of it is fillied out. Knowing me I will end up working most of the weekend as well. I have also got an application form to fill out and send back by next Thursday. That shouldn't take long to complete being a seasonal professional! So heres to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Ou Foundation Degree
by Guest- 29 replies
i am starting the ou foundation degree: children in the early years and children's learning in the early years in feb 07 and am just wondering if anyone is also doing this and how they are finding it. I work full time and would like to know how you fit it all in?
- 2 replies
Well in less than one week I have competed my seen paper test notes for next Wednesday YIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have almost completed the Core Skills for FD portfolio not very good thought most of it has not got many refeences in it. I am confused to were you get such things when it is moslty about you! Now once I have finshied core skills I will then have to catch up on Personal Development and Mangament module 4 pieces of work to fit in before 25 Jan 07. Not too hard then could be done again within a week. Beth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 3 replies
Lack of sleep from a New Years Party is not fun!! :rolleyes: We didn't get to bed until 2am and I got woke up at 5am by rain and wind lashing the bedroom window for 3/4 of an hour. :unsure: I did finally get up by 11 am only to have a headache. Does not bode well for studing then. This will teach me for having last week of studying when I have got a portfolio to complete by next Friday and oh boy is it boring yawn yawn! Then after loosing my seen paper test sheet on the computer I need to again complete this by next Tuesday. So word of warning if tired don't try to study as I have made so many mistakes today and thats just typing up what I wrote from …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4283, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone I have decided on my study task to look at the behaviour policy at my setting. I need to link it to the theroists, my brains gone funny! Who are the main theoirsts for behaviour, I know Kohlburg, Piaget and Skinner but I am sure theres more out there I just cannot remeber who is who! unsure: : Please help me if you can. : ph34r: I am painicking, I just now want to leave the course just because of this silly study task! Umm why you may ask, the deadline has made a mistery change to 14 dec instead of 21 dec aggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! I am soo stressed out with it all, she tells us for weeks not to start it then tells us it needs to be in a week ea…
- 1 reply
Get motivated to complete the Core Skills for FD module. I have started some parts of the portfolio but now I just cannot be bothered to finish it! It is soo boring!!!!!!!! It really just tells me all what I know already, like I know that I am a visual/reflective learner, need to update my GCSEs in English, Maths and Science. To develop my communication and numeracy skills to level 2! I am now stuck on how to evaluate some of the tests that we sat, I did ask the tutor who is very useless, she cannot get our attention and talks in the same tone of voice all the time, me thinks she would just like to be a treee! I asked her a few times to help me what I am looki…
- 16 replies
Oh my word I have nearly 1300 word in my study task, were did they come from? I feel really pleased but I am starting to run out of words athough i can go to 2200 words if needed. I still need to connect skinners operate condtioning to moral development and find info on Bandura social learning theory then a small section on Automoic nerviious system then a conclusion. AGGGHHH how I am going to fit all that in? EEEKK the cat (yet another old yorkshire saying I belive) Oh and a diagrame of how it all fits with behaviour. I am over the moon!!!! Then I will have a little rest before I start to do the Core skills for Fd portfolio, seen paper test sheet to write up…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Calling All Year One Fd Students!
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi Evryone! Just wanted to see how everyone was getting on now we are almost at the end of our first full term on the FD! Mine is going really well, although I did get a little bit agitated this evening at college. We had to do presentations in small group seminars and one particular person has a really bad, and in my opinion, inconsiderate habit of shouting above others and putting off other people. I approached her and said in a nice way, not being funny, but your shouting put our group off and although I understand you were doing a 'role play presentation', it would have been nicer for the others if you had given us some warning so we knew that you were g…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 2 replies
i am mentor for a degree student who needs help in this area, she has asked me for "comments form different sources about vetting procedures in the police or about CRB checks, do they work or not??? have got some from bbc news and from my inquiry its self, but cant seem to find any other comments. not sure if im looking in the right places." thanks can anyone help with a source of info on this for her to use we all have our own comments but she needs some documented ones. many thanks Inge
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,