Undergraduate level study
606 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
I am sitting a test next wednesday to get on the Foundation Degree the tutor thinks my CAHCE DCE is not right for the course and told me to take an A Level. The question is about explaining the developmental needs of 0-3 or 3-5 years old, then describe how planned programmes or currclum supports childrens development. I have looked on the internet, and books but do not know how to get started on this topic, I have only 1 week and get all the information required onto 1 A4 sheet of paper. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
All That Worry!
by Guest- 13 replies
Well thankyou for all your support after my thread about my nerve wracking interview, I got my place confirmed today and also the transformation fund have ok'd the funding!! My children break up today so it's a BRILLIANT Day, thanks for listening!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Ok a bit of a problem, I have my place for the FD as I have told you all and now I have a problem.....my nursery can only give me three sessions a week from September as our numbers are soo low which means strictly speaking I don't meet the criteria for the course, it says you need to be working 20hrs!! I will be working 12 + 1Hr a week planning you guessed it I do about 4 in reality - but that's another post!) HELP!! My nursery will be given the funding?? Do I look for something else at this late stage and re-apply for funding - if I got something in the same area i suppose the funding could be transferred. Do I keep quiet until my hours pick if they do!! I…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6042, -
Student Bank Accounts
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi All! As you all know I'm off to uni in October to do the FD. I have been looking into bank accounts for students but i'm not sure if I qualify for one with my bank because of the course I am doing. I don't understand all the course jargon so really I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction or give me a bit of advice about it all. Thanks!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 5 replies
Can anybody help me as I have spent the last two days trying to fill in a PN1 form to apply for funding to complete a foundation degree and I don't seem to be getting any where!!! I have a place at my local college on the foundation degree in early years due to start in October this year. When I asked the college about funding the course they told to my to get a PN1 form from my local L.E.A and fill it in to recieve funding. I have spent two days trying to fill this form in I have phoned ucas, colleges the LEA and noone seems to know how to help me, I would like a grant to pay for my tuition fees as I am a nursery nurse and my wages will not streach to funding it …
Interview For Confirmation Of Offer
by Guest- 4 replies
I have just had my interview for the FDey, I was given a conditional offer, subject to interview and am now petrified that I have messed it up, we had an informal discussion with the group tutors and then an individual interview and then to top it all off a written assessment, a critical evaluation on a newspaper article - I realise that I evaluated it only rather than critically evaluating!! I feel so cross with myself, I felt so nervous being in the City on my own, I am a country bumpkin (?) and to be on my own in the big smoke and have to have a grilling I am worried I have ruined my chances and won't get my place confirmed. What a morning, we have to w…
- 14 replies
I have been in child care 26years,first doing my nneb in 1980 then updating my qualification by doing a nvq 3 in 1996. I go on a course every half term to keep upto date in practises etc. I run a pre-school with 10 staff. I have just come back from a meeting stating all day care settings will have to have a graduate running it by 2015. transformation fund Please help me what do I do? I have a teacher on my staff altho only a year of early years experience. Do I wait 9 years and then hand it over to her or indeed employ another teacher specially? Do I sit back and let ayounger more academic member of staff do the training and stand down or leave after 4 years? Do I …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Help With Foundation Degree 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
I am really interested in doing the foundation degree but am very confused by it all!!! Can somebody explain what it involves, how long it takes, how much it costs and when do the fees need to be paid? Also at the end of it what does it giv me???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
- 7 replies
Does anyone have a persona; developemnt plan for their staff to complete/ Smiles
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
by Guest- 11 replies
We've has the call today. This is my PPA time! they are coming on Tuesday and Wednesday. I am a reception class teacher with 29 children. our topic is transport and our theme this week for that week will be boats. I am now having a mad panic of lots of things to do in each area. This is what i've got so far. CLL: Focused writing: desert island message in a bottle Reading: selction of boat themed books. does anyone know a good desert island story to set the theme for the writing? Explore writing: passports, tickets, holiday bookings Maths boat addditon and subtraction KUW floating and sinking boat making e.g foils, plastercine Physical C…