24 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Hi all - This forum area is intended to complement our topic article 'Growing' - the first in a series of articles concentrating on particular topic and activity ideas, including downloadable focus plans for each area of learning. We have an associated article which is a calendar based growing guide, from the perspective of a nursery practitioner or reception teacher. The idea is that you pop your own ideas into this resource bank, and take other peoples' ideas out, and use the article to stimulate those ideas. Hope you find it useful!
Last reply by Steve, -
Growing Topic Resource
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi there, does anyone have the article on Growing that used to be in the resource section. When I look there now I can only see the calendar of growing. Or does anyone have any good lesson plans they could share on planting and growing? Many thanks.
Life Cylces And Baby Animals
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello, I just wondered if anyone had taught 'life cycles' or 'minibeasts' before and if you had any good ideas for them? I'm an NQT in a foundation stage unit so need ideas for both reception and nursery. We've got some planning from last year to fall back on but its always nice to have new ideas plus I'm a little unsure how to cover both in one half term! Thanks
Growing Music
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any ideas of any music I could use to help the children to move tlike seeds and plants? Thank you.
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, I'm hoping you can all be of some help... I am starting a topic on growing after half term, I have got Jasper's beanstalk, Jack and the beanstalk and The enormous turnip. Can anybody suggest anymore books about growing plants? My class is nursery by the way. We are getting people in from the local garden centre and then setting our own garden centre role play up outside, we are setting up a greenhouse as part of the role play so that we can grow sun flowers, tomato plants, strawberry plants and different smelling herbs, we are sending broad beans home with the children in a cup with a bean diary, we will be visiting a garden centre so that the chil…
Miniature Garden In A Large Tub!
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi I was just wondering if anyone knew what kind of plants would work well in a minature garden? I thought about Rosemary, thyme and viola's, any more ideas please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_36639, -
Growing To Farm Themes
by Guest terrydoo73- 4 replies
We have been looking at the theme of growth during this month. We have planted sweet pea, sunflower and nasturtium and are planning on some onion bulbs next. We have looked at and talked about how things grow needing water, light and heat. Then we talked about how the children have grown from babies to toddlers using pictures. This week we are growing cress on paper towels and producing vegetable flowers on a paper plate - discussing the vegetables and tasting at the same time!! My problem I have now is this .... we are having a 2 day break next week for St Patrick's day and when we come back we have a further 2 weeks in the month of March. We would like to move …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33615, -
Growing Songs?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi there im not too sure if im posting this in the correct place? was just wondering if anyone has any good uggestions for some simple songs we could share in assembly with the older children to do with seeds growing.. we have planted beans and are watching them grow and change day by day!! any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29641, -
From Seed To Plant Pictures?
by Guest- 5 replies
I've had a look around this area but I can't seem to find a link to what I'm looking for so I was hoping someone would be able to help me! I need a set of simple drawings showing a plant going from seed to flower (or at least to plant!). I'm sure I've seen them loads of times before but of course now I want them I can't seem to find any on google. I was hoping for one with the seed, then it germinating, then a small shoot, then leaves, plant, flowers etc although obviously anything similar would do even without all those stages. I want them black and white and simple so I can just print them off and get the children to have a go at ordering them as one of their indepe…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Life Cycle Sequence Cards
by Guest- 7 replies
hi guys, i am trying to find some life cycle sequencing cards that are in colour that i can ust print off and laminate any ideas? thanking u xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20748,