Tapestry for Users in Australia
This is where you can find Tapestry resources for users based in Australia.
32 topics in this forum
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On Tapestry it's possible to import children, relatives and staff in bulk, from a CSV file. You can see how to create a CSV file yourself from here, but you may also be able to export one from your school Management Information System. Once you have your CSV file you can upload this from your Control Panel in your account. You can access this by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner (1), selecting 'Control Panel' (2) from the drop-down menu and when you arrive on the Control Panel you'll need to select 'Manage Children' from the left-hand menu. On the Manage Children page you will then need to scroll down to the bot…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 0 replies
These instructions describe the process of adding an individual child to Tapestry. If you would like to import children in bulk from a CSV file, which you may be able to export from a Management Information System (MIS) or other source, please take a look at the Importing data to Tapestry tutorial. This tutorial however, covers how to add children manually, one at a time. To do this, we need to go to the management area of Tapestry, the Control Panel. A manager can find this section by clicking on their name in the top right-hand corner and selecting 'Control Panel' from the drop-down menu. Once in the Control Panel, in the menu on the le…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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There are currently seventeen different assessment types that you can use in Tapestry: EYFS Assessment with Development Matters age bands Every Child a Talker (ECAT) SEND The Montessori Curriculum Pre-Key Stage 1/2 Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Early Years Learning Framework Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework Developmental Milestones Characteristics of Effective Learning Leuven Scales Aistear (Ireland) P Scales Northern Ireland Preschool Progress Indicators Northern Ireland Foundation Stage Welsh Foundation Phase Framework Tapestry allows you to enable …
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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You can upload child and staff details onto Tapestry via CSV file, which is a type of excel sheet. This is a quick guide to show you what the excel documents for children and staff imports will look like and how to create a CSV file from a standard excel file. Below are examples of the excel sheets with all the titles of the fields Tapestry will ask for for each of the child and staff imports. It is really important that you add the field headings into the CSV file - otherwise you will lose the first child/staff member when importing the document. Please note that it's easier to have two data sheets - one for children and one for staff. You can put them both on …
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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You can use the Reflections feature on Tapestry to connect with the thoughts of staff at your child's setting and to follow their journey with you and your child. Reflection ensures everyone is always learning - your child, their educators and yourselves as a relative. Staff can collect together their thoughts and observations about their teaching, the setting and the children, and broaden their understanding through research and educational theory. As parents and relatives you can take part in the reflection process, by reflecting on your child's learning journey, on your own journey as a parent and as part of a learning community with staff at your child's setting…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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On Tapestry you can use the Reflections Relative Activity Screen to track how many reflections, and the types of reflection, relatives are making on your account. For you to be able to see this screen you will need to ensure Reflections have been enabled for relatives, otherwise it won't show up at all for you. A manager can enable Reflections for relatives from the management area of Tapestry, the Control Panel. To do this you just need to click on your name in the top right-hand corner (1) and select 'Control Panel' from the drop-down list (2).You'll then need to select the 'Settings' option from the left-hand menu (3) and from that drop-down list, selecting…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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On Tapestry you can use the Reflection Staff Activity Screen to track how many reflections, and the types of reflection, staff are making on your account. To access this screen you just need to click on the 'Tracking' option at the top of the screen (1), select 'Reflections' from the frameworks menu (2) and then click on the 'Staff' button in the 'Activity' section (3). Once you get to the Staff Activity page you will need to select a period of time to view (1) and you can filter down what reflections you want to contribute (e.g. by status, with comments etc.) from the 'Reflections' filters section (2). If you select options from the Reflect…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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There are three different reflection count screens that are available on Tapestry, these are: Individual, Group and Staff. The Individual and Group screens will show you how many tags have been used in reflections for individual children or specific groups. The Staff screen will allow you to see the tags used in reflections by specific members of staff. I'll go through all three types of screen in this tutorial. To access these screens, you just need to click on the 'Tracking' tab at the top of the screen, select 'Reflections' from the menu and then in the 'Reflection Counts' section you will need to choose either: Individual, Group and Staff (3). I'm going to start…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
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The Reflections Tag Counts Summary screen on Tapestry allows you to see how many reflections have been added for each tag within a set, so you can see which tags are being used more or less frequently. For example, you may see that there are more tags used in Reflections for the EYLF practices, compared to another tag set of the NQS (National Quality Standards). Please note that you will not be able to access this screen if you don't have any tag sets enabled on your account. To enable them you just need to follow this tutorial. To find this screen you just need to click on the ‘Tracking’ tab at the top of the page (1) and select ‘Reflections’ (2) from the…
Last reply by EmilyTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
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On Tapestry you can set up assessment periods which you can then use in the tracking screens to see where children are and how they are progressing between the periods. We highly recommend you set these at the beginning of your academic year as changing your assessment periods during the year may alter the scores that show up in your snapshots. When setting up your assessment periods, we suggest you set them to match your service's term dates and therefore have 4 periods. This is so you can easily see which term each outcome was achieved in. If you choose to have more or fewer you will still be able to distinguish it from most screens by choosing a 'custom perio…
Last reply by Lauren,