Covid 19
We are aware of the uncertainty surrounding the current Coronavirus pandemic. Here at the FSF we want to reassure you that we are providing a space for you to share information and ideas to help you throughout this period.
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82 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello, I hope this is ok, I'm new to this forum! I work for a group of private nurseries which are due to reopen on 1st June. We are currently working through the mammoth task that is updating policies and risk assessments etc which I am sure many of you are familiar with! I was hoping I could pick some brains and get some ideas of how you plan to carry out certain procedures safely? We usually complete a paper diary sheet which is handed to the parent at the end of the day- we would like to go paper free but the tapestry care diary cannot be viewed on the app which is a pain for parents as they would have to log onto a browser. Any ideas? The only t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
As one of the 5 founders of the APPG for childcare and early education, the FSF are being asked to contribute to the education committee inquiry on the following topics. If you 'd like to let me know your views, I will make sure they are passed on. Effect of provider closure on children's early years development Effect of closure on funded entitlement and the childcare market Support for remaining open for critical workers Effect on disadvantaged groups Effect on staff's professional development PPE Sense that DfE don’t understand the Early Years sector
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
scenario.......its Tuesday and little Joey has been in his group for a week, 8 children and two staff. He begins to show signs of not being very well. First aider takes his temperature and its a little high but he currently has no other symptoms such as a cough. He obviously needs to go home now. The guidance is followed and he is collected by a parent. They have said they will ring 111 and follow the isolation rules. What do we do? we have no idea if he has Covid, staff are worried and he is under 5 so unless he becomes very unwell and hospitalised, won't be tested. Do we just carry on and open tomorrow or are all the children and staff in that group off to isolati…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, Guess we are all working on this Bank Holiday weekend! I have decided not to reopen to 15th June - I need more time to get everything right (well as right as I can!) Just wonder if everyone is printing off COVID19 signage? or is anyone has found a good website where I can order? Many thanks and happy Sunday.x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39998, -
- 41 replies
I am just wondering how those of you that closed due to coronavirus are feeling about re-opening on the 1st June. I am stressing so much about what to do for the best. I have so far only written notes with regard to writing policy and procedures about how I will keep the children safe. I really can’t see how I can do social distancing at all, we run from a village Hall, so only one room. So far our LA (Kent) have given us no guidance what so ever, we have been told due have a document, once we have digested it we will give you some guidance, not very helpful. Do we have to provide PPE for staff even though we have been told (dfe doc) that we don’t need it, what else will…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962, -
- 1 reply
So it looks like we will be re-opening in June but just for 8 children as we only have two members of staff, one of the children has Asthma, (mild not not severely) other than sticking to their individual Asthma Plan and risk assessment , are there any other new guild lines on children returning to school/pre-school who have Asthma. Our school has just informed one mother that if her child (who has Asthma) returns to school then she will not be able to play with other children and she will be looked after by two members of staff throughout the day. Not sure where they got these guidance from, think they have risk assessed it and made their own judgement, obviously the …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 0 replies
With things being so focused on June 1st now, it's important that we consider what will happen in September when the children start school. Are you approaching things differently this year? How will you be welcoming the children to your school, considering they may not have ever stepped in to your school or have met you before being left with you? I know of some schools that are doing a few weeks of transition events (if possible).
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Morning All, I am planning to open w/c 8th June, feeling I don't have enough time to put everything into place for 1st June. Wondering if anyone has sent a new 'contract' or letter of agreement to parents regarding new policies and procedures around re-opening to relation to COVID-19? That they would mind sharing? I'm having a mental block! I did have a zoom meeting with our local council yesterday and they suggested that you could 'bubble' children (so 1 adult with a small number between 1 - 8) that bubble would stay with the adult during the day and it would be a good idea for each child to have their own resources in box that they would play with durin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11663, -
- 172 replies
Should we assume a provisional June 1st date for nurseries then? Along with Reception, Year 1 and Year 6?? What do people think?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi, Just wondering how everyone will be managing the return of children to their settings from 1st June, who also attend other settings or childminders??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805,