Covid 19
We are aware of the uncertainty surrounding the current Coronavirus pandemic. Here at the FSF we want to reassure you that we are providing a space for you to share information and ideas to help you throughout this period.
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82 topics in this forum
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With the return to school imminent, what are teacher's putting in place for the children in early years? I was thinking of putting some packs together for each child so that they have a set of their own resources that they can use. For example: · Each child has a pack with the following items: - Whiteboard and pen - Pot of playdough- - Pencil - Set of crayons - Tweezers and little things to pick up - Set of number cards Also the children will need toys so I was thinking of a box of a select few toys that can be easily cleaned at the end of the day and through…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_77663, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
A question came in to us via Tapestry and we asked if they would like us to post it here to get the views of others. They have a member of staff who has been furloughed, but has managed to book a flight to visit family overseas. They will be out of the country and unavailable for work for some of their contracted work days, although they would not been asking them to come to work during this period. Are they right in thinking that the member of staff needs to use their annual leave for this trip? They would be paid 80% through the furlough scheme and the rest topped up by the business. The member of staff seems to think they do not need to use their annual leave. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55778, -
- 1 reply
The science is still very unclear about to what degree young children transmit the covid virus and are often don’t display symptoms. It feels like the government don’t really care about the health and safety of staff working closely with young children. In the guidance they admit that social distancing will be impossible. In Reception a ratio of 1 to 15 means staff will be at risk. It makes me feel very angry - there is no consideration for staff safety
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23379, -
- 25 replies
It should be time to start offering places to the new starters for September. However, a couple of existing parents of children who should be moving onto school then are talking about delaying school entry because they want them to get the preschool experience they will have missed during closure. Has anybody else heard this from their parents or had any thoughts on this to share?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 11 replies
What is everyone doing with their EYPP money whilst closed? I have one child who is entitled to it and I still have their spring term money to spend as well as the summer term money. This now totals £190.80 (I was trying to set up musical sessions) before all this kicked off. I am wondering if I should contact the Mum and find out if they are struggling for anything at home food, clothing etc. If not I was thinking about buying some craft stuff, playdough stuff etc for the little girl and delivering to their home (these are her interests) what does anyone think? What are you all doing?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 192 replies
I can’t believe we are still free of the C word (and I don’t mean C*******s Sue). We have usually discussed, shared, planned and prepped for anything that’s being thrown at us by now 🤔 Where is everyone at with how they’re trying to managing C-V? (Apart from hand washing to the tune of baby shark but at least it’s more catchy than Happy Birthday) I guess the covering SSP for 14 days was good news in the budget but not so much that we seem to not have made the list of ‘exempt’ from small business rates list :-( I read a great article by Rebecca on FB but can’t find it on here?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 1 reply
Not wanting to give forum members even more to worry about, but thought that this was worth sharing - copy and paste job: Dear Manager Legionella risks in vacant properties During the Covid-19 pandemic and current state of emergency, businesses have closed and buildings and properties have become vacant, for a period of time sufficient to increase the risk of Legionella in water systems. This information is for the attention of business owners or operators, landlords or property managers and anyone who manages water systems in properties. As we know the Government is currently advising home working, therefore it is time…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Dear All I hope this is in the correct area. Have you seen this? Look at the last paragraph. Thoughts? Sorry, I've been on my laptop all day and have just read this - I have few words to add at this stage!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_28434, -
- 3 replies
Received an email today stating that we can not claim 80% of staff wages by fourloughing them and at the same time receive funding!! This is a serious issue for all of us as the government has changed what they original said. “where it is not clear if a staff is funded through 'free entitlement' funding or private income then "an early years provider can access the Job Retention Scheme to cover up to the proportion of its paybill which could be considered to have been paid for from that provider’s private income". For example, if a provider receives 40% of its income from government funding, and 60% from other income, the provider can only claim Job Reten…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_61137, -
- 11 replies
Hi We are looking to furlough some staff but wish them to keep in contact with their children via tapestry - I wondered if anyone had a clue about whether this was considered a service to the company therefore excluding staff from being furloughed? Thank you
Last reply by BenTapestrySupport,