Covid 19
We are aware of the uncertainty surrounding the current Coronavirus pandemic. Here at the FSF we want to reassure you that we are providing a space for you to share information and ideas to help you throughout this period.
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As there was mixed guidance regarding furloughing staff when in receipt of public funding (i.e. for us, early years free entitlement funding), I wrote to my local (Conservative) MP. He replied last week to say he would seek clarification and has today replied to say: - "You can furlough staff who make up the same percentage of your pay bill as your percentage of private income" We receive early years funding for our FEET two year olds, three and four year olds and in the summer term have a lower percentage of families who pay fees. So this means there is a limit on the amount we can apply for, when the scheme opens to submit our reimbursement claims, w…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_80156, -
- 25 replies
Hi folks, I hope you are coping ok in these fast changing uncertain times. I am a small setting and we have had to close . We will be in receipt of the Government funding but many of our parents who would have paid for further hours cannot use them because of the Governments advice about self isolating. Therefore we are solely dependant on the government funds. I was hoping to be able to claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme but it seems that I am not able to. I was wondering if anyone had found any other means of financial support. Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 11 replies
Just in case you haven't thought about it (and im sure most of you will have) if you have any PPE at your preschool/nursery or school that is not being used please do donate it to the NHS. They are very happy to receive gloves/tissues/plastic aprons and your local foodbank will take any spare personal products (soaps/shampoos/conditioners/toilet paper) along with any dried food items (rice/pasta/cereal/tins ETC) If you are not using them at the moment please do think about donating them. You can do so through your doctors surgery /LEA contact /local hospital etc and the food banks details for your local area are online Don't let it s…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 26 replies
Hi, us anyone using tapestry as a way of communicating with their parents and uploading observation in case of a school closure? If so, how are you doing it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268, -
- 3 replies
Anyone having problems with this month’s invoices? This is my situation. I divide the fees over 11 months from the end Aug to end June. Because of us closing last Friday I decided that I will not continue to charge parents whilst we are closed but sent out final invoices as some parents were in arrears and because the invoice is split over 11 months their was some outstanding fees. So now I’m getting emails with parents withdrawing their child’s placements and This means they can’t be added to head count next term😬 ( these are parents that have funded sessions and also added extra sessions) I also have parents saying they are reducing their child’s sessi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55778, -
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- 7 replies
Hi, can anyone help please? Due to the latest situation where schools are closed we have been keeping in contact with parents / children via closed class Facebook pages, staff have been videoing live lessons, adding links to resources and some have been reading stories. A parent has contacted about reading stories being against copyright. I have seen some schools withnstories posted on school website which are open to everyone but these are closed pages but I am unsure. Have been looking into things on the copyright site etc but contact with people is slow at the moment. I wondered if anyone else has come across similar. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 12 replies
Hi just wondering if anyone has a suggested timetable for Keyworker children during the period when they are in school over the next few weeks?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_93171, -
- 2 replies
We are all jumping for joy about the government paying up to 80% off staff wages and some are saying they will now stay open. The government stated that The 80% is for Staff NOT working but staying on payroll. I do not think You will not get this if staff continue to work. Please check this out first. Also check out your insurance that I mentioned in a different forum. If you need to send one staff home or one child that has symptoms Surly we should also go into isolation🤔 vulnerable children and staff should not be in nursery because your insurance probably won’t cover them for the Coronavirus. This would include having asthma. Do you h…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_50818, -
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Thought this might be more useful in a new topic guidance for schools etc guidance for parents
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi, We are making contingency plans for potential future closures. One of the things we'd like access to is free podcasts and webinars. I know the foundation stage forum have them, I've got YouTube on my list as well as Could anyone let me know where else these things could be accessed? Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282,