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Organising Timetable In A Fsu

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Hi i need some help i will be new as foundation stage leader in september and want to reorganise the day to be more like the foundation phase in wales problem is i have 60 reception children and 25 full time nursery with up to 45 possible places part time just wondered how to organise the literacy and numeracy sessions as currrently F2 will either do 2 literacy based and 3 numeracy or the other way round which works to some degree and numeracy and lit alternate just lkooking for innovative wasy to incorporate all the other aeas of the curriculum one idea i had would be to do a carpet session e.g literacy like a book then to work with focus groups through an activity whilst the other children could be free flow the other areas which would be ok for reception I think but what about the nursery? whilst the tecnically other reception could be doing a numeracy and swap over in afternoon worrried incase this will limit access to other areas. not lucky enough to have an enclosed outside area that can be accessed rom the building as we have to go over the large playground to a small fenced off area. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Hi Jo and welcome.


Im afraid your post is a little confused, if you could edit it you might find people will respond to you more. I'm afraid I find it very difficult to understand what exactly you do at the moment that you want to change.


what you are thimking of doing is what we do.all reception come together for register and prayers and then split reception into two groups one does literacy eg big book then small group work. while the other reception group do numeracy, eg input then small group work. when the children have done their there work they then have free flow through the unit both indoor and outdoor.

the nursery children have a short carpet time eg register then story or rhymes. our nursery then have free flow through the morning untillaround 11 when we tidy up and go into three family groups for phonics, worship or story time.

we have 45 full time children and 24 p/t children each session and 4 staff=2 teachers and 2 nursery nurses.

when it is family time the spare member of staff starts the cleaning up etc.

hope this helps.


thanks for your help i think i just want to change how lit and num are delivered making links with the other areas of fs curiculum. As at the moment teacher or ta works with four children at a time and other children do other independent activity related to subject.So not really free flow i hope this makes sense

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