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Classes In September

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For those that don't know I teach in a special school for kids with severe (SLD) or profound and multiple(PMLD) learning difficulties.


Well the day finally arrived, the day we found out what classes we will be with next year, both what kids and what adults.

I'm having a total change. I'm moving from Y3 to YR/1. My current class have lots of quite severe behaviour problems as well as SLD/PMLD and my current lot are very cute with hardly any behaviour difficulties.

I've got a whole new staff team to support me, part of which is a husband and wife team who are job sharing the week!

I'm excited about the new challenge and excited about the little ones as they are the age group I love.


Any others found out their groups? Anyone really happy or really nervous/worried etc?

Guest tinkerbell

Wow you sound really excited Nichola good for you.

I have just done my new reception parent talk this evening and it makes me really excited too.



I had my new children visiting for a morning last week, and what I both love and hate about this time of year is that you have worked so hard and now the current children are independent and motivated, but the new ones visit and they are sooooooo tiny and so dependent that you are starting all over again, but it does remind you how much progress the others have made in a year. My new ones are particularly little this time and of the 17 kids 12 are summer born. Is it just me or does everyone have a massive weighting of summer born children? This is the most I've had, but it is always more than the other terms!!!! Must be something to do with boredom in the Autumn months!!!!


Hi. School has finished. I am expecting 20 children on my first day back, although that might change as some parents find out their companies are moving them!


I spent a lesson in Nursery with them and they came into my class for a visit.


Looking forward to next year, especially as the group coming up to me are a well-established group of friends! Only a few are from other schools or moving to the area for the first time!


I have a week of INSET and classroom prep time at the end of August. It was quite bizarre to have to take all my displays and backing paper down and cover all furniture/shelving with material - to stop sand/dust apparently!


I will be stretching my wings and moving to a Y1/2 mixed class, so will be a much less frequent visitor on here I expect xD A bit apprehensive but also a bit tingly... Am yet to find out who the children will be but will be taking some of my present class with me :o


Hiya I am moving schools and moving from Reception to Nursery! Been in Reception for 5 years, previously Year one for 2 years and v.scared about Nursery!


Someone said about having more summerborns - you always tend to have more summer borns as there are more months to take account of - Autumn born = 4 months, Spring term = 3 months and Summer born = 5 months - so you see you will on average have more summer and less spring!

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