AnonyMouse_4283 Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 I am attending a job interview and need to carry out a twenty minute activity based on P.S.E in the foundation stage curriculum old or new for children aged 3-5. Any ideas greatly appriciated!
AnonyMouse_2202 Posted July 8, 2007 Posted July 8, 2007 Hi JoJo, Best wishes for your interview. I did an activity recently with my group of 3 - 4year olds which covered PSED. Activity; Warm Summer Colours (Our Theme for the month was Colours) [Resources; A4 card in the following colours; red, orange and yellow crayons, felt tips, chalk and colouring in pencils in the following colours; red, yellow and orange crepe tissue paper, felt materials and fabrics in the colours, red, yellow and orange. Glue. What to do; get the children to sit in a circle and talk about their families, you could use a persona doll or other puppet to start the talk, then gradually ask the children to tell the doll or puppet about their family, ask them what they enjoy about being with their families and lead this to talk about warm sunny feelings inside when we are with our families. After the talk tell the children you would like them to draw pictures of their family using the warm sunny colours, after drawing the pictures they can add different media to their pictures then with them telling you the words you write on the picture what makes the child feel happy with their family. For the children who may not want to draw or may not have pencil control yet, they can glue on the different medias to make a collage of warm sunny colours. This activity does work best in a small group. It is an adult led activity, but i did find the children taking the lead as they started to talk about extended family and then in their role play after the activity they were pretending to phone different members of their family and invite them to tea and so on.Some children also asked for other colours as their mum had blue eyes for example, so i did keep other colours near by. Hope that all makes sense, it might be too long for your interview, but you may be able to adapt it. The next day after the activity some children brought in photos of their families, so this again was child led, as they did this them selves. you could provide scissors and the children can cut their own bits of fabric etc, i would have some pre cut as well. Rosepetal
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