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I'm A Proud Mum!


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My 15 year old daughter, 16 tomorrow incidentally has just bagged herself 5 A's and 5 B's - GCSE results!!!!!!! :oxD:(


She has worked so hard, we were crying with joy when she opened the letter, just wanted to share this moment.


She has just gone in to town for lunch with her friends - how civilised! :(

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My clever daughter's results were nearly the same as yours Shirel. I was dragged into town and relieved of a considerable sum of money for GHD hair straightners........ come to think of it I'm sure I can smell singeing....... xD

My eldest is still out of sorts with her 'A' level results from last week and she got an A, 2B's and a C! One thing - I am very glad that its not me doing these exams in this day and age. All those people who say 'oh, exams these days are so much easier' ... they are definitely NOT!!!!! :o



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It certainly is a day of emotion - congratulations to you and your daughter Shirel!


In our house it was a day of contemplative reflection - during which my daughter (2 Bs, 6Cs and a D) said "just think what I could have achieved if I'd done any work!".


A lesson learned a little late, but one I'll keep reminding her of as she works now towards her AS levels...


Maz (who has three 'O' levels at grade B and 3 CSEs at a grade 1 and some I'd rather not talk about!

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Great news ShireL a big congratulations to your daughter and I am sure her lunch was terrific too. xD


I'll second LJW's sentiments, preschool being the foundation to this GCSE generations success. :(


To all those who didn't do as well as expected, I'd just say what's done is done and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, you are still special whatever your results. :(


We have a few years to go yet before our lads go through their GCSE's, over a decade for our youngest girl, I wonder how much it will all change by then. :o



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Congratulations to your daughter Shirel and to you too as a proud mum.

My 14 year old daughter has been celebrating too with an A in a 'half GCSE' (ICT). Don't know why the 'whole' one wasn't done - I didn't ask!!!!! All I know is that its costing me a fortune when we take her out for a treat this week-end. Help!!

Just hope she remembers all the study techniques when she sits the GCSE proper in two years.

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Congratulations, she must have worked really hard xD:(


My oldest just had his A levels, a D and a U!!! So theres another one who can wonder what would have happened if he'd studied. He's dropping those subjects now and taking on 3 new ones with the promise to himself that he'll really work hard. I think he said that last year too :o:(

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Guest Wolfie

Many congratulations to you and your daughter Shirel!


Oh Rea, I've found a true friend!! A Level results day was bad in our house too....a C, an E and two, yes, two U s! But somehow he is still off to uni, albeit on a slightly different course to the one he originally applied for but a great course nonetheless! I've always been a real studier and have found it incredibly stressful trying to motivate someone who so obviously isn't! At least when he's away at uni I don't have to watch over him anymore. I think...and hope that it's been a real wake up call - and we've also pointed out that the financial stakes are so much higher for us now, it's far more than just paying for a school bus pass and dinner!! He obviously takes after his father, who had to retake a whole year at uni due to lack of studying - and he's now one of the hardest workers I know!

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Thanks for allyour kind words, we had a birthday bash for her last night went completely over the top invited everyone - today left with loads of mess to clear up but all worth it, we had a lovely time and really good opportunity to share lots of love with family members. :oxD

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Well done - its great when they get the results they want. My son hasn't got his yet, doesn't want to get them as he feels/knows that he wont have passed any of them - hes very dyslexic and we alaays knew it was going to be a tall order. so I feel slightly sad that he wasn't able to celebrate with his friends - especially as my best friend's daughter who is also in the same year at the same school and who I go on holiday with and who my son is friendly with achieved A stars and A's across the board. On the other hand he may well done better than expected but not too sure how we will find out now as the school do not seem to have sent them out. Its such a great feeling to have achieved the results she wanted I just wish my son could have abandoned his GCSE's and done something far more practical, vocational and something that he could have passed - instead of not even wanting to get his results - I really feel for him - does nothing for his self confidence and self esteem.


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Guest Wolfie

Ooooh, Nicola, I really feel for you and your family on that one. Fingers crossed that he has done better than he expected but even if not, he's obviously got the right Mum to get him through it. I think there's a real case for providing a far greater range of vocational courses alongside the standard GCSEs -there are so many children out there that would gain and achieve so much more from their schooling if that were the case. Let us know how you get on, I'm thinking of you.

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