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HI, WE are just about to do our AGM, can anyone tell me what order they do things in and who makes a speech. I have a new committee who have never done one before and want to do it perfectly!!!!! Thanks

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Thanks for the reply. I'm really worried as they have decided to have an evening AGM, the problem with this is that we have problems getting the parents to attend. last year we had 5 parenst so we had to have an emergency meeting with parents following morning before we opened which is where this committee came from. Must admire them though they so want to do everything right!!!!!!!

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Hi We are due to have our AGM in 2 weeks time, we have - minutes from last meeting, chairperson , treasurer and Supervisor reports, and don't forget they will need to elect a new committee (nominations and seconded). We expect all staff to attend, but it is not compulsory. After the AGM a new date for the next committee meeting is set, then we usually all go to the pub to celebrate the past year. It is never a high turn out from parents though.

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We've always had our AGM in the evening, hadn't thought about having one during the day, but what a good idea. As you say, always a problem to recruit new members. We were touch and go for a while last year too with regard to having enough people to form a committee.


By the way, committee will need to give 2 weeks notice of the AGM and hold it in a public place I believe.

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We had a record turn out last year - standing room only. Hoping for the same this year.In addition to the reports ( chair, supervisor and treasurer ) we also had a guess speaker, or LEA advisor, who was talking about the importance of play in children's learning. Don't know if this is what drew the crowds on, or my strongly worded letter that I sent out before hand. Since our AGM is due soon too, I will be digging that letter out again, to send out, modified to make more current. We also have refereshments at the end of the AGM, but these are really only nibbles.

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2 weeks notice of any meetings be it AGM or committee ones and you should have an agenda plus copies of financial report for last year on display for the 2 weeks too.


Always have ours during the day now after having not one parent turn up despite letter which told them if we did not get numbers required we would close!! Now we have a committee member stopping them from leaving in the morning if we don't get enough to stay!!


There is a legal requirement as to number who have to attend to make it legal which is 30% of parents with children on register. each family having one place so if both turn up it is still counted as 1 for the requirement. Also minimum of 5 needed on committee, sometimes a struggle if only 6 attend!


we follow

minutes of last meeting,

chairs report,

treasurer report,

playleader report,

appointment of new committee,

Changes in Policies and procedures

Any other business to include any matters arising


Start and end time recorded, parents attending sign in to prove attendance, and to enable a present and apologies to be put in minutes.


we follow with a committee meeting immediately afterwards for them to complete DC2 for Ofsted and discuss next meeting time/date (and approve any spending I may have done!! usually loads at this time of year!!) Also take details for the charity commission annual return as it requires the date of birth of committee members as well as address etc.



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We also include the Minute Secretary's report, things like any correspondence and how many times the committee met in the last year. Also, under your Financial bit/Treasurer's report you will need to approve your accounts and ask for questions from the floor (!), plus if appropriate, appoint the auditor for the coming year. This year for the first time we included a Fundraising Committee Report cos we now have an active fundraising committee! Don't be discouraged by the turnout if its low, its definitely par for the course and if you think positively they must be very happy with your Nursery, otherwise they'd turn up in droves to have a moan! (except in Inge's case of course, I'm sure they are all very supportive!)

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Actually the percentage to attend will depend on your constitution, different PSLA constitutions have a different percentage. We always have ours in the evening, for those that have them during the day, what do the children do during the meeting?

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