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Good News And Sad News


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Well it's taken me over a week to share my news, coming to terms with it myself.


Good news: During the summer holidays I had a cancer scare, basically a scan showed a cyst on my ovary, ultrasound then showed thickening of the womb, suddenly alarm bells rang and the hospital ran blood tests, took biopsy and talked about having a full hysterecomy within 3 weeks. Ironically my first question was if it needs to be done can I have it done in time to recover before September as I need to get back to work!. It was not until I drove home that I realized the seriousness of it. I only then began to think about health ( and family) before work. End result that thankfully test came back negative xD , at this point when given the news hubby and I cried and I realised how scared we had both been. I am still awaiting an operation to remove cyst and ovary which will be done before Christmas, and if I'm honest I won't fully feel reassured until the cyst has been tested.



Sad news: The above experience made me re-evaluate my work/life balance and due to other issues such as low numbers, 4 childrens centre's opening within 7 mile radius of my setting and my local school opening a nursery in September 08, I have decided to close my preschool at the end of term. :(

I made the final decision 2 Fridays ago after talking to our LA director of Children & Families about the implications to the private sector of these Childrens Centre's, even asked him why my setting couldn't be designated as one, seeing that I work very closely with parents, health, education, SEN, and other professionals, but his response was basically I can't do it, and that they are not a threat, and waffle on working in partnership with the private sector, they need us ,rhetoric. :o

I told my staff last week and have started telling parents this week. It has been really hard, partly pride, sense of failure, sense of wanting to fight for my principles and my business however, I do know I have made the right decision and my circumstances have been caused mainly through external factors.


So, if anyone is interested in purchasing a very well resourced complete set of preschool equipment, sufficient for a group of 24+, 2-5 yr olds, just PM me for the details, available at end of term ( still need to stock take and update inventory).



Thanks for 'listening'.



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Peggy, first of all, I am SO happy that your health scare has proven to be negative.........I had a similar thing earlier in the year and it scared the doodads out of me!

and secondly, i am so sorry you have decided to call it a day with your group, BUt you have made a decosion which only YOU know is right, and why.So, good luck with everything, and mostly your health.It's the one thig that needs to be right, so many other things in your life hang around it.Good luck with your op.


And, if you weren't so far away, i'd be looking at your lovely resources! Might ask to look at your list anyway....... xxx

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oh peggy..i am so sorry, you are an inspiration to us all and please do not forget that, i am sure all will be well with you but am so sorry that you have to sell your nursery, and your post made me cry....


please remember we are all here for you anytime of the day, take care of yourself lots of hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Oh Peggy, you must have had some sleepless nights! I am so relieved your health scare was just that and wish you well with your operation.

What a difficult decision it must have been about your pre-school but I'm sure it will prove to be the right one.

Take care.

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Hi Peggy, first of all I'm so pleased to hear that you are okay; I know how scary it is waiting for hospital results.

I'm sorry to hear that you are closing your pre - school. I know from your posts how much your setting means to you and from a purely selfish point of view I have learnt a lot from you and will miss your considered and valuable opinion on everything. Now there's an idea, Peggy how about a book?

Love Posy

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I'm so pleased that it was just a scare and nothing more serious. Sometimes these things become a catalyst for big changes in our lives. I am sure that whatever you decide to do will be a positive experience for everyone involved and I look forward to hearing about the next chapter in your life! And of course, you will be around to pass on your years of experience to the forum, so your preschool may be gone but it would take much more than that to get rid of Peggy! :o

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Thanks all for your responses. xD

Narnia, PM me for a list ( in a week or two), have van will travel :(


Hali, didn't mean to make you cry, have a large Vino and toast my future. :o


Susan, not sure yet how to deal with last day, big party ( lots of organising) or go out quietly, I am emotionally drained which is tiring (sp?),. Mind you I am certainly going to enjoy every day, no worries of Inspections and children will still learn while we play, even taking my dog in to work ( new labrador, bought last week) and really looking forward to letting the scouts know they've outpriced me, therefore their loss. ( sorry, trying not to be bitter about some of the external factors which led to my decision, great to sound off though)


Posy, thanks for your comments, and don't worry I will have lots more time on the forum, one of my positives for closing, (yes I did a pro's and con's list) and as for a book, just mentioned that to our local SENCO when I told him my news, if I do get one done it won't be very theoretical but more practical about the 'real world' of early years. :( Just thought of the title; " The secret Diaries of an educarer" :(


Andreamay, yes the end of term, it is scary but also, financially and emotionally shouldn't drag it out any longer.



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I'm so pleased that it was just a scare and nothing more serious. Sometimes these things become a catalyst for big changes in our lives. I am sure that whatever you decide to do will be a positive experience for everyone involved and I look forward to hearing about the next chapter in your life! And of course, you will be around to pass on your years of experience to the forum, so your preschool may be gone but it would take much more than that to get rid of Peggy! xD






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Hi Peggy

Your post made me cry too - relief that you health worries were unfounded. I too had a cancer scare last year and I remember walking in to the breast imaging centre to receive the biopsy results and the utter relief at receiving good news.


With regard to your preschool I am sure I speak for many on here when I say that it will be a great loss to parents and children in your area. You are an inspiration and your enthusiasm and dedication leaps out of the messages you post on this forum. You are absolutely NOT a failure so please don't think that.


FOr every door that closes another one opens and I am sure new ones will open for you too.

Take care and sending hugs and postive vibes your way :o

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what a rotten time you,your family and setting have been through. Sometimes it takes a wake up call to make us all take stock of our lives. Look to the future with your family and reflect back on all of the children's lives that you have made a difference too and all of those wonderful memories. I think it is time for Peggy to have her own time, to relax, enjoy, get better & drink wine! However many sleepless nights have you been having recently Peggy?

My thoughts are with you, take your time on this emotional roller coaster ride called life.

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I am very sorry to hear your news. Of course the main thing is that your health is ok - we have so little control over that. You are doing the right thing but it must be very hard for you. I hope you we still be a forum member- what will we do without you! You always have an answer to our queries and problems!

best wishes to you and your family, Rose

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Guest biddyfizz

Glad to hear that you are ok - I try to remember that we are only here once - you have to do what is right for you, and yes I would be very interested in your "reality" book! Can I pm you for your list - will tell you my circumstances in that. Oh and by the way - don't forget the chocoholics catalogue is doing the rounds - feet up, glass of wine and order mmmmmmmm

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peggy Im glad that the good news was good and sorry for the bad news. a difficult decision but you and your family do come first. fate often deals us a troublsome hand but can also give us new and interesting opportunnities. I hope your next adventure when you are ready is as rewarding as your pre-school years.


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I thought you had been a bit quiet recently, when I see your name added to a thread I always want to read your views and have a bit of your knowledge for myself.


So glad your health is ok. :oxD But sad for you having to close your pre-school, as Bob Dylan says "the times they are a'changing" not only with your personal circumstances but with the whole situation we early years practitioners are involved in.


Keep sharing your news and views won't you - please,


from a personal point of view you are so inspirational and warm and have helped me lots of times and I thank you for that. :(

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Your post made me cry this morning but I am so happy to hear that you are alright. Good luck for your op and make this last term the best ever - enjoy every moment!

I am glad you will still be on this forum. I would miss your calming influence, great advice and your ability to convince people to believe in themselves.

Put me down for a copy of the 'book'.

Lots of virtual hugs Peggy!!


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Hi Peggy, just wanted to add my comments......most of which has already been said so I echo everyone's replies. Your health and family are the most important things in your life and I think sometimes we do forget that and it takes something like this to make us realise.


Good luck in everything you do and remember we are here for you


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Am lost for words. Your health is obviously the most important thing. Knowing how much you give to your job, I know it must have been a terribly difficult decision to make but it shows your strength.


I just hope your knowledge and experience and commonsense is not lost to Early Years, that would indeed be a loss. I am sure it can be put to good use. Look forward to hearing who the lucky recipients will be.


Try to give yourself a bit of a rest now to boost yourself so you can cope with both the operation and the closing of your setting. Then look forward to the New Year and new you!


I wish you health and happiness.

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Peggy you have had such a worrying time but you have resolved things and come to terms with everything. Your children and their parents have been so lucky to have had you, and what a shame that, as the EYFS moves on throughout the country, some really excellent private providers are finding that they have to close.

When I retired a year early I felt really devastated leaving the children behind, and felt that my skills were going to be wasted- bit by bit other opportunities arose and I'm as busy as I was before- and really enjoying life- in fact looking back I should have moved on sooner, but was comfy where I was and it was easier than making changes. I also have more time for my family and my elderly parents. So, trite as it sounds, I have found that 'a window closes but a door opens'. Wishing you well :o

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Brilliant news about the cancer scare Peggy, my hubby had one last year, we walked round in a daze for weeks, but the negative result was so fabulous I can understand how you feel the need to splash out on life.

With a new, young family maybe the time was right to move on from your playgroup, some decisions we think we make ourselves but I believe fate has a hand in everything, so please, never ever feel like you've failed in any way. All thats happened is that you have taken a different road to the one you thought was yours.

Government policy and outside forces have shown you that an alternative is out there.

Good luck for the operation and I have two requests...

1. Please will you tell us how the operation goes, and

2. Can I come to the book signing :o

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Peggy, I am so glad the tests were negative. I went through a similar sort of experience last summer - in ther middle of it we were OFSTEDed- and I agree that it really does make you think about what's important in life etc etc.


As for closing the preschool, I'm sure that can't have been an easy decision in many ways, as your passion comes through in everything you post. At times it seems as if everything's stacked against us in the private/voluntary sector and I think it's sad, short sighted and actually ungrateful for everything people like you have done for Early Years with so little recognition. I hope the sector doesn't lose you entirely as you still have so much to offer. I'm sure I'm not alone on the Forum in being able to say that many of your posts have not only helped but inspired and encouraged me and I want to thank you for that.

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I would just like to add my congratulations and commiserations along the same lines as everyone else.

Although this is my first post, I have been reading all the advice and questions on here for many months now and your input has always shone out as being professional, knowledgable, wise and sensible. You obviously have so much experience and passion for early years, I hope you are eventually able to continue to use your skills in a role that makes you feel completely happy and appreciated.


Best wishes to you and thank you.


Would just like to add - why couldn't the government have worked more to support existing early years providers rather than throwing money into new schemes and buildings, consequently closing down many providers who have such valuable experience and were already helping to meet the needs of the families in their areas? We very nearly closed a couple of years ago, but somehow managed to survive. We are virtually full yet are desperate for new resources and financial support to help with training costs etc, and the sure start buildings in our area are almost empty and have cash ploughed into them. Why? Because we are committee run and operating from a village hall? If that's such a bad thing, why are local families choosing us over the alternatives?


Sorry for going on.........but it makes me VERY cross!!!


Good luck, Peggy.

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Good to hear that things have turned out well health-wise, Peggy. I think everything that can be said has been, by others. xD


Given your usual energy though, I suspect it won't mean you'll be settling into genteel retirement...


And well done for provoking the first posts from biddyfizz and wally - welcome to you both! :o

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Hi Peggy


I, like everyone else, wish you the very best of everything. xD


Your posts on here always offer such sound and sensible advice whatever the subject might be - so Thank You!


I am sure that making the decision would have been the hardest part, so hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the next few months, then please congratulate yourself on a job well done, before moving on to the next phase in your life!


We'll be following your path with inerest! :o

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Wally and biddyfizz, welcome from me too :oxD



Peggy, I was thinking about your end of term. I can see why you might not want a huge fuss, its a sad time afterall, but think about the children and parents you have touched over the years. I bet they would love to say farewell and wish you well. They will have lots they would like to say to you, from thanks to small anecdotes during their time with you. You will inevitably bump into these people afterwards and I bet they would all express a regret that they hadnt been able to say goodbye. Last year I found out that my GP, who I had been with for over 30 years, had retired, I almost sobbed in the surgery, there were so many things I wanted to thank him for on my behalf and on my families.

Have a huge party, invite all your old children and have a marvellous time. :(:(

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