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Good News And Sad News


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You have been such an inspiration to me Peggy with your advice and words of wisdom but I totally understand your reasons for everything. Its strange how many people have been affected by health worries and the state of the childcare market. I hope you will continue in some shape or form to input into childcare management issues but I know your personal well being is the most important thing to you and your family. Keep posting though!!!

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Peggy, when I first joined the forum your posts were always so informative and I felt immediately at home with you common sense approach - I think you should be made an honorary FSF life member. It is through your commitment that you could give such sound advice to us all, THANKS. Hope all goes well with the future hospital visits, we'll be thinking of you. Definately think the Children's centres have a lot to answer for regarding us Pre Schools getting our noses pushed out. We are just wondering what is going to happen to us when the Children's Centre a mile away down the road is up and running? You will no doubt begin to realise that all you used to have to 'juggle' with regards to Pre School (inspections, parents, premises, bills, fee problems etc) will not be missed in the slightest.

Take Care

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Oh, Peggy... this news has left me in shock.


First my heart almost 'stopped' while reading the beginning of the news (although your post description was positive), great relieve to know that the results came out negative and full of hope that the operation results will come out good for you as well.


Then, the sad news of knowing you will be closing your pre-school. We have learned so much from you and you have always been such a great support for all of us. Anyway, I am sure you have taken the best decision for yourself and I wish you the all the best. "Something good is just awaiting around the corner".


Take care and please don't leave the FSF. Okay?


A big hug for you!

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Dear Peggy

Sorry to hear of the preschool news

Delighted to hear your health news

Wishing you good luck and health in the future

and yes, please continue posting on FSF :o

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Glad to hear that you are ok - I try to remember that we are only here once - you have to do what is right for you, and yes I would be very interested in your "reality" book! Can I pm you for your list - will tell you my circumstances in that. Oh and by the way - don't forget the chocoholics catalogue is doing the rounds - feet up, glass of wine and order mmmmmmmm



Feel free to PM me, although currently doing final stock check will take a couple of weeks :o



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So glad your health scare turned out ok, just wanted to add to what everyone else has said, you will be a sad loss to the world of early years. Thankyou for your advice you have inspired me and opened my mind to new ways of doing things on many occasions for that I am grateful.


Enjoy the next phase of your life and all it has to offer. Please keep in touch with all of us here on the forum!

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Ditto towhat everyone else has said .


I know you will still be giving the forum your valuable input! but I just wanted to say I have had Ofsted in the last 3 sessions and its thanks to you and your valuable posts and advice that I was able to truly stand up and say what I feel to be right to the inspector. The information you have shared on here has been a fantastic help to me and Im sure others will agree. Your one truly dedicated person!


Big hug





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For me Peggy you have always been an inspiration - and more often than not a sharp poke in the ribs to remind me of what early years is really all about!


It really has all been said and I echo every word.


Whilst you're writing the book, perhaps you would consider acting as a mentor to those pracitioners in your area who undertake Foundation Degree or EYPS training when you feel fit and able? I have a feeling that these people will need the care and support of more experienced professionals to guide them through the process whilst remaining true to their principles.


I can't think of anyone better - just a thought to keep you going!


Good luck with everything you do Peggy - although I know it won't be goodbye. As the old saying goes - "you can't keep a good woman down!".



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Peggy... I am so happy that everything on the health front is ok... although it is sad that you are having to close your nursery remember all the amazing things you have done and all the little lives you have changed/touched as a consequence of your being you :o . See this time now as the next chapter, some things are meant to be and this is maybe your time to set a new challenge for yourself; time to enjoy life as it is so precious; time to be with family and friends; time to take stock... Peggy, I am sending you huge hugs and warm and heartfelt wishes for your future xD

love Apple

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Guest MaryEMac

Peggy, just want to echo what everyone else has said.

Whenever I have posted on here with a problem or query, I am always pleased if you have replied because I know that everything will be put into perspective and there will be good sound advice. Thanks Peggy, you will be missed.



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Hi Peggy


So glad to hear that everything is ok health wise, but so sad to read that you will be closing your pre-school. You have so many ideas and always have good advice. Your recent posting of your messy play photos was fantastic and I passed the ideas on to my mum's pre-school.


Thanks for everything Peggy, and good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future


Laura x

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Peggy everything has been said, but I'm so glad that things were not as bad as you feared with your results.


Its shame you have had to close your pre school, we are in a children;s centre (not open formally yet) and yet we have a dire shortage of nursery places in our area. Noone will be out of business as a result of us opening, in fact we are desperately trying to get new provision in the area, its shame you don't live here!

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Peggy - you have told me on numerous occasions to watch out for my health, and to put that first - no matter how difficult that is, when your job is a huge part of your life.

Therefore I know you have made the right decision - even tho you must still be battling with that right now.


I never used to believe that something crap happens in order for you to reach the good thing that is waiting round the corner - but a friend told me that when I was going through a rough patch, and lo and behold she was right.


You are very brave and I have the utmost respect for you. Can't wait to hear what the good thing around the corner is - but I know there is one x

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I am so glad that things are okay health wise. sad of course that you are no longer going to be running the pre-school.


You have been a huge support to me, many many words of advice have come from you. it is this advice that has truely moved me forward during the many dilema's i faced in my first year as manager.


The early years sector has been immensly lucky to have you, and all those little children you have cared for have really been touched by an amazingly dedicated person.


I look forward to continuing to see you around here and to reading your many words of wisdom.


take care



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I only just caught up on this post due to hideous sickness bug caught from nursery children........

Just think you won't be able to catch their 'nasties' any more!


I just have to agree with one of the above posts: 'I think you should be made an honorary FSF life member'. How about it Steve???! I'm sure we'd all be in agreement!


I was also thinking about all the lives you have touched over the years and what an achievement that is..... and I realised just how wide that is: kids, mums, dads, grandparents, carers, childminders, visitors, Inspectors (!), and of course all the members on this site........ WOW! A BIG thankyou from all of us! What a rolemodel you are.


My prayer is that you will be at peace with your decision and also looking forward to what is to come!

God bless XX

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I just have to agree with one of the above posts: 'I think you should be made an honorary FSF life member'. How about it Steve???! I'm sure we'd all be in agreement!


Since Peggy is already a moderator, she is effectively an honorary FSF life member already, whilst she decides to stick around and offer advice. :o Unless she upsets Steve, in which case she will be banned. xD:(

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Hi Peggy, I'm glad your health has turned out ok, good luck with your operation. Hope it all goes well. I'm so sad to hear about your pre-school you will be missed. Looking at the photos and advice you put on here, you are an inspiration for us all. Good Luck in everything you do. You never know what opportunities are hiding round the corner. Good Luck!

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Dear Peggy,

Though I am new here, I can tell from numerous forum posts that you are the sort of person that puts more in than you take out.

I am pleased for you that your health scare was just a scare, and I am sure your community will miss you lots, but you need to you what is best for you. All the best for the future, and I look forward to seeing your sound advise and thoughts on the FSF.

Virtual hugs to you

Sally :o

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Since Peggy is already a moderator, she is effectively an honorary FSF life member already, whilst she decides to stick around and offer advice. :o Unless she upsets Steve, in which case she will be banned. xD:(



No need for Peggy to disappear anywhere if she's the time and inclination to stay and chat!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your lovely words from newbies to long time virtual friends :(


I've been feeling very anti government, political early years agenda's etc and powerless to stop the rot that I am seeing, but you have all reminded me that there are a lot of 'Peggy's' out there, ALL OF YOU who are as commited to early years as I have been ( and still will be in whatever way I can). The single fact that you subscribe to this forum, to share, to learn, to advize, to reflect, to empathise and to support fellow practitioners shows that commitment.


Many, many of you have supported me through my previous tough few years and taught me new ways to look at things. FSF members in the PVI sector have empathised with my dillema's, reminded me of that Nursery Rhyme long forgotten and given or triggered new ideas for every day activities. Another learning curve I have gained from joining the forum has been the discussions and topics from Teachers in the maintained sector, which has really broadened my perspective and enabled better understanding of your trials, trubulations and successes within Reception years.


All your responses to my news has really made me feel appreciated, more than I think I have ever received from my daily working life, thank you very much for that. One of my motivators in life is to have a sense that I have enabled or empowered others, ( adults and children) this I couldn't do if the people I communicate with were not open to this.


Since my decision was made I have had a huge weight lifted from my shoulders, I have realised that I am dispensible and that many others will do what I have done, I have 'let go', although I wish it hadn't been in these particular circumstances, but then if I'm honest, like some of you have said, the health scare helped me to face reality and helped me to make the right decision.


I can't wait to have more time on the forum, you might even find yourselves saying, 'Oh no, not Peggy on her soap box again!! :o. I'm actually looking forward to having time to look at the new EYFS, to really digest it without the pressure of actually having to impliment it, I'll leave that up to you lot to do. xD


Waffling now, so thank you, thank you, thank you.




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