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So glad that your health scare turned out to be just that and im sure your operation will go fine. Will be thinking of you


From my short time in the forum your posts have been very very valuable to me and the people i support, thank you for all of your words of wisdom and experience. You are certainly not a failure Peggy and i hope that in my career i can make as much of a positive impact on children and families as you have.


Best wishes


Paula x

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Guest cathy m

Hi Peggy


What a worrying time you have had, I'm so pleased you are going to be alright. I understand your decision to close your pre-school and feel sure it is the right one.


Please put my name down for a signed copy of your book.


Take care



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Of course, Peggy's new challenge is obvious - she has to get the chat room functioning properly!




I would love to help, but I can't access the chatroom either, I think it's to do with my new Vista Windows programme blocking ActiveX :oxD , I am currently doing a Learning, Research and technology degree, so when I've learnt more about how computers work and I've sorted my access out, I'll let you know, but don't hold your breath for a speedy solution from me :(

A PM to Steve with what you have tried, details of what happens when you try to access the chat and he may be able to help, he, being the 'wise one', he will respond, but I do know he is a bit busy at the moment.



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The chat room should be fine at the moment chaps. The only problems will be, as Peggy said, if Vista or your security settings are set to prevent access - you need to just look at the error messages that will be either on the page or in a little bar across the top of the browser window - or, if you have an outdated version of Java, in which case you can opt to upgrade on the chat page. Hopefully! :o


You're quite right hali, I wouldn't dare bar Peggy. And beside the fact that she's an honorary life member (as a moderator), there's a special category for retired early years FSF-ers. Old practitioners never die you know. They simply lurk on forums a bit more...



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Hi Peggy.


I read this thread when it first started and your's was the only post on here. I was genuinely upset about your situation (although over the moon for you and your health news) to the point where I couldn't formulate the right words to say to you.


Everyone here has said everything I could have possibly said. I wish you all the luck in the world for the future and thank you for all your kind words and guidance with my many jobs and tricky situations. x

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Peggy, have just read your post and all the replies, and realised that a problem shared is indeed a relief.

We had the HMIE in for a whole school inspection which involved the nursery and I have spent the last 3 weeks since they were there in overdrive, trying to right all the wrongs. You know what, it's not worth it!! :0(

What is important is your health, family, happiness and having people who care for you. I hope you know how much you are thought of from all the replies on this forum. I always look for your advice first even though I'm way up here in North East Scotland.

Best wishes, Peggy and good health :0)

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big hug

made me feel very emotional so chuffed that all ok and i know once it all comes together you will enjoy thisnext phase of your life just as much as the time that you have added so much to the lifes ofhundreds of children

good luck i think you are wrong in thinking that you would have been pushed out preschool setting are so important as all your parents will be telling u

i look forward to you still sharing your expertise with us all when we look frazzled and you look calm and relaxed

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Hi Peggy

Only just caught up with your news. The previous posts have said it all really - just enjoy this term, build up your spirits and your stamina for your operation and look forward to 'new horizons'. Now you have made your decision you can move on. We have had a family health scare recently when my 27 year old son in law collapsed in the middle of a football game, (luckily prompt medical attention saved him and he has lived to tell the tale), but it has again made us take stock - life is precious and as he keeps saying 'you work to live, not live to work' (yes I know it's easy for people not working with children to say that xD )

Knowing your drive and enthusiasm, I bet you mind is already 'fizzing' with ideas, so the very best of luck, and I look forward to the fact that you will have more time to share that enthusiasm and wisdom on the forum :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im so sorry to read this post and so late! I have introduced a few people to this forum and always suggest that they read 'Peggy's' advice.


Peggy you are a wise and wonderful woman and you have inspired many of us and I'm so glad that your health worries are not so bad, like many others I have also faced the big C and thankfully survived - it really does help you to prioritize. Like my good friend Shelley posted, something good will be around the corner.


The idea of a book sounds like a good idea. My sister was a teacher and then an Early Years adviser for Pre-schools and Nurseries, she evaluated her life and the pressures that she was under and now lives a calmer quieter life in France and has started writing books for Featherstone Education. I believe that you should contact them with some ideas - your posts alone would make a really useful advice book !!


As for your last day - have a BIG party to celebrate what you have achieved. You should contact the press, Nursery world etc to explain the reasons (get on your soap box!) that your Pre-school has not survived. Take lots of photos.


I look forward to reading many more of your posts in the future, good luck and thank you,



Teri xx

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