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Information For New Parents/entrants


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I have been asked by the head to pull together 2 booklets 1 with information to new reception parents and 1 for the new entrant children to complete before they start school. I have a fairly good idea on the format for the parent one but not idea for the children's one. it needs to include things like drawing pictures, writing names, counting etc.


Oh yeah the draft has to be in by half term!!!


if anyone has any ideas or a copy of one I could look at I will be forever grateful


Thank you


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Not sure if this will be much help but our feeder nursery gets the children to draw a picture of someone special, (it could be themselves, someone in their family or so on) this shows how advanced they are at drawing representations of things and gives you a pretty good idea of their fine motor skills.

They could also independently write thier name on a card and maybe do a collage or something, see if they could do a pattern with the materials? I would probably put a photo of the child in it too...

What are you going to be using these booklets for, as some kind of baseline? if that is the case I would put in things that you will be able to see an improvement in such as writing thier name and some numbers and so on.

When will you be filling in the booklets? sounds quite time consuming or is it something they will do at home? Sounds interesting, you will have to let me know what you decide to put in them! :)

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You could also include independence skills like getting undressed/dressed, putting on own coat, how they have been in their previous setting, settled or not as the case may be. Likes and dislikes, such as favourite book, what they like to do at home etc. This will give you some idea if a child is unhappy on starting of something which may trigger an interest and help them to settle quicker. We have an All About Me form which parents/carers and children complete together. It is especailly nice for the children as it makes them feel involved. We ask questions like are they able to go to the toilet independently, do they know anybody at the pre-school, have they decided handedness etc. Not quite what you would need to know but you could extend this for reception children.


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my son`s booklet for school was lovely, each page told him a little about his day . it started with a hello from his teacher telling him her name and asking him to draw a picture of himself. there was one page with a picture of his peg asking him to draw his coat and shoes. another with a picture of a hot dinner and a pack lunch asking him to colour which one he would have.

it also told him about his carer (a yr6 child who play with them at break and dinner) and when things would happen during the day.

it was nice as a parent to go through it with him . as it tells the parent about the childs day, as well as being easy and quick to read.

hope this is helpful! maddy.

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I think it would be good to establishe first what this booklet is meant for. Is the chidl going to use it as home with the parent for them to keep or is it for the child to complete and bring back to Nursrey/School? Will the information filled in by the child and parent be accessed by the teacher or will it just be filed away?

I have been in settings where none of the information passed on by the parent and work {writing or drawing} is neither read or used as evidence by the class teacher.

When we go on home visits I take sheets of paper and a present- small set of crayons for the children to use when I am there. Just watching them there gives me an idea of the stage of development and most children bring me a drawing they have done using the crayons I've given. The booklet given to the parent is more to make them aware of the routines of Nursery and the activiites we do etc etc.


Did any of this make any sense?

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Maddy, what a lovely idea. I would imagine that could be easily produced too!

Leo, I usually take a picture for the children to choose and hopefully colour and bring back to school when they come--quick and easy for a display in the classroom too, but your idea of the children drawing for you sounds really good.

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WOW - thanks for all your replies


The basic idea is for the children to fill in the booklet at home with their parents which will include writing their name, drawing pictures etc.


The parents booklet will give information about school day, uniform etc.


keep the ideas coming!!



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I like loads of the ideas I have seen on this topic.


We have produced a booklet for the children to complete and take home with them on their induction afternoon. It includes photos of key areas in the school and classroom and leading questions such as can you find the toilets etc. Parents are encouraged to go through the booklet with their child at school during their induction afternoon. Parents liked them, but I think I will include some of your ideas in the same booklet, thanks! :D

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