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Thats very odd! I tried to open them and had no problem. Can't help cos I'm not a 'techie'. Anyone else have a suggestion. Do you usually have trouble opening attachments? They're in word.


Worked fine for me. Thanks for sharing. They look great and I'm sure parents and carers will love them.




I think they look great, thanks for sharing with us. :oxD


They look very user friendly - thank you for sharing.


I like the look of your learning journeys, just wondering how are you planning to use them? how much of a regular basis?weekly, monthly? Are you using them to inform your planning?




How spooky ~but helpful~ thank-you LWJ, I've just sat down(after a long day1) to try and make some kind of learning journey... thought I'd just have a quick peek on the forum before I started - and yours was the first post!! They look really good, thanks again!



They're lovely - easy to understand, not long-winded and very "friendly" - I'm sure they'll go down well with your parents. :o


Very user friendly and not too much 'space' to fill making them less demanding for filling and reading. :o




:( Glad you all like them! Feeling good now.......


Hello Abbey. We are now 12 months into non-topic based planning and child-initiated play. Since a local nursery were pulled up at their recent ofsted for not using their observations sufficiently to inform planning we have been finetuning our system.

* Observations are done on post its and collected together on one page per child.

* At the end of each week the Keyworker takes her groups obs home and collates them, identifying schemas, things that can be used as evidence for profiles, and then plans her keyworker activities accordingly.

* When we have accumulated enough evidence or spot something significant we also complete a form (which I can't post as it has come from our LEA as a paper copy). Its called a Learning Story and has a box for us to put post its, photos and notes for particularly significant points, interests or achievements. We can highlight the Areas of Learning covered too. There is a place to 'reflect on what learning and development these obs show and finally a box called 'what next' where we not what experiences or opportunities we want to provide to support the learning.

* As a staff team we discuss the children's interests and use that to help us plan what resources to put out. This week we have had lots of things to do with Rotation (lots more on this on a different thread).

* My thinking behind the Learning Journey form is that I will use this to talk a parent or carer through our observations and reflections probably only on a termly basis, at least initially. Keep it manageable!! It will be really useful tool for listening to, recording parental comments, ideas and obs too.


If all this doesn't satisfy Ofsted I don't know what will!! :oxD

All the staff are really excited about this new way of doing things and feel it is manageable and user friendly.


Phew, long winded but I hope it made sense!


I think that way of doing things is great! Just one question....what sort of reaction do you get from the staff about taking the pbservations home and working on them? I would love to take this kind of approach with my staff but wonder how to approach the issue of work away from the setting and outside hours!


Well I am very blessed because we are all really committed to doing the best we can for the setting and for the children. Until September we were a team that had been together for a long time but now have a new staff member to replace one who moved away, and our replacement is an ex-nursery mum and, to our benefit a QTS! Its very exciting to have a motivated team who are prepared to go the extra mile.... not always, but when it counts. Part of our motivation is that we are nearly 4 years from our last inspection. A nursery down the road had a no-notice inspection last week and they were last inspected after us so we are definitely on our toes. Really thought they would appear this week but they didn't.........


Well I'm sure you'll be fine when they do finally arrive - it sounds as though you have a great team! :o

I like the look of your learning journeys, just wondering how are you planning to use them? how much of a regular basis?weekly, monthly? Are you using them to inform your planning?





:o would like to know the same as Abbey please.......have downloaded them fine....and thanks for sharing.


MrsB - already answered Abbey - see page one, last post at bottom of page!

xD would like to know the same as Abbey please.......have downloaded them fine....and thanks for sharing.



:o oops sorry you have already posted a reply back....thanks again. I love the sound of this idea.


No problem!! Post was so long that you'd probably switched off or missed it when you were yawning!


I'm wondering if a house shape would work for the next learning journey or maybe a lorry or even a butterfly.......... good job its half term for me.......


A flower maybe...now you have got me going!!!!


Why not have a go? They are not difficult - in word document use the drop-down menu under'insert', select 'pictures' and 'autoshapes and start choosing the shapes you want to insert into the document!


Then, to add text highlight the shape then right-click and select 'add text'..... away you go!

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