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Oh my ............ :(


Fundraised last November and raided over £1000 for a computer for our pre school. :D


Chair asked the secretary to get us some quotes for comps..... :(


Last week chair and i went out to buy the computer and today secretary has resigned as she has the hump because we bought it....not her... :o


Im pulling my hair out. :(


I know you girls that own your own pre school say its hard but oh how a wish i was in your shoes xD

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I actually don't find it that hard Hali. I know there is more work to do because I don't have a treasurer and secretary etc. but I do have the freedom to do what I want. Having read all the posts you have been making regarding committees I know how fortunate I am! The staff and I discuss any major spending on equipment, but I often buy little bits and pieces as and when I see things I think the children would enjoy. So, today I bought 5 bath sponges from Tesco's that were in different shapes. Our major spend for September is going to be some low screens for the home corner so that we can still see what the children are up to and, hopefully, will keep the stuff from wandering all over the place!!! It was my idea but my staff agreed that it would be a good investment.

I really do feel for you all.


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Linda, owning my own Pre-school is sometimes hard work. But again, like you, I have the freedom to do what I want. The staff and I discuss large purchases, but I am always buying bits and pieces when I see something that I know the children would like. I definitely wouldn't want to keep asking if I could buy something.


If I want to change something in the running of the Pre-school then the staff and I discuss it - or they might suggest something, again we discuss it and then I make the final decision.


We do actually have a very informal Fund raising 'committee' that meets once a term for about 30 mins. to discuss any fund raising event they might like to run. When we have our Fun Morning, they run raffle, tombolas, various games, etc. They also might organise a cake sale or good as new sale.


I don't envy some of you that have problems with committees. :o


Sue J

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I think we must be very lucky with the committee's we have had over the years.

They all seem to grasp the fact that the supervisor and staff know what is best for the group and the children.

So if we need some piece of equipment, we just say we need it and they say "yep there is enough money no problem" or if there wasn't enough money "sorry not at the moment but as soon as it's possible then you can get it.

We get on very well with the committee, there is none of the us and them that some groups have.

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Hi all,


Having had some of both ends of types of Committees, I can sympathise all round. Now working in a DN, I must say I quite fancy starting up my own setting ......... xD


Complete freedom - what a dream! :D


Hali, maybe your next lot will be more understanding!!! :o


Sue :D

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I know how you feel Hali,


Everytime I come home moaning about something else my committee has done (or not as is often the case! :( ) my husband asks how much it would be to set up my own place. I don't know that I'm ready for the commitment though and anyway - what would I have to moan about then!?! :oxD

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I gave up a well paid job and re mortgaged our house to set up my own pre school. It has been a real struggle and I may even get some decent wages this month! But it has all been worth it.

I know I could not work with a committee! :o

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Guest doohanok5

I just looked up "committee" in my dictionary. It falls between "committal" and "commode", which just about sums ours up - most of the time they're driving us insane and in their truly inspired moments they just take the p***! :o

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