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I'm A Bad Mommy


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Sorry folks, I dont do photos. I look great when I cant see myself. Photos are always there, always ready for me to disect and find fault with. I am becoming a pear shape, something i never used to be and I cant quite come to terms with it. Where is my waist? Why are my boobs there?! :o



Must add magic knickers to the list. xD

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thats just details though Rea as long as you look stunning when you arrive..


. as for lying about spending money on clothes i do it all the time ... him indoors ... its his pet name and yes he likes it, i told him he did ... thinks every time i buy something from river island or republique that there was a sale on ... what he doesnt know .. wont hurt him ... just his wallet! :o

Of course unless he's lurking here under a nom de plume!



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How funny thank you I needed to have a giggle :(

When we were first married we lived in mobile home on the farm,we knew it was cold when we woke in the morn to icicles hanging from the bedroom ceiling and the duvet stuck to the wall!!! oh and if half way through taking a shower having to run outside with a kettle to defrost the gas bottle!!!! :oxD:(

You had a shower - how posh is that?



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I'm safe Maz .... he doesnt know how to work the pc :o ....... i must be really posh because we had a wall heater in our bedroom when we were kids and duvets, mine was the pink snatch puppy thing..... but i wouldnt want my son to ever miss out on being able to participate in a conversation like this when he's older ... so i'll go straight upstairs and remove all my sons bedding, turn the radiator in his bedroom off and give him a bucket to pee in ..... maybe he might learn to appreciate what he's got!



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rea ... you might as well have a manicure ... can't have grubby, mis-shaped nails if you've got new jewellery.


Can't believe how old everyone on here must be :o I always thought of you all as spring chickens xD


I remember the storm lantern in the outside loo - had a lovely 'oily' smell. I used to love sitting there in the warm glow, trying to read my Secret Seven books.

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Susan you are too kind xD:( Thank you


I did think we were probably giving away too many secrets to any men lurking on here. Sorry men, but you do lurk extremely well :o:(


Harricroft, how could I have forgotton about the manicure? ...and then theres the facial :(


Good grief you bad people, I'll be spending all of next years family allowance at this rate (I hadnt noticed the name had changed)



If we're going to talk about how cold it was when we were little I'll tell you how pampered I was.

When I was little my dad always carried me upstairs to bed. First stop was the loo, where he always put loo paper on the seat for me so I wouldnt get cold sitting down. :wacko:

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Susan you are too kind xD:( Thank you


I did think we were probably giving away too many secrets to any men lurking on here. Sorry men, but you do lurk extremely well :o:(


Harricroft, how could I have forgotton about the manicure? ...and then theres the facial :(


Good grief you bad people, I'll be spending all of next years family allowance at this rate (I hadnt noticed the name had changed)

If we're going to talk about how cold it was when we were little I'll tell you how pampered I was.

When I was little my dad always carried me upstairs to bed. First stop was the loo, where he always put loo paper on the seat for me so I wouldnt get cold sitting down. :wacko:



WHAT!!!! YOU HAD LOO PAPER?? Oh to be privilaged ( spl?)


so who remembers the greaseproof type, slippery stuff which was in folds and not on a roll??



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Oh, thanks!!


I've had such a laugh re-reading all this..... I'm supposed to be doing some really important work, but it can wait a bit! :o And Rea, I know you - I can believe you capable of everything (!) - but I must beg to differ. Susan is right, you'll look fantastic!


I thought I was old, but you lot beat me! Mundia - you didn't have a floor?????



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Thank you :(

I do know that I dont look too bad and I really wasnt angling for compliments. Its the changes I see that are the problem. To everyone else I have a pretty good shape, but its what the clothes hide that I shut my eyes to. When did gravity become such a terrible thing, and why didnt I notice it sooner so I could have kept up the gym membership, walked more instead of using the car for 5 minute trips and lifted those tins of beans while I watched TV?

Lifes a funny old thing, just when you get over the teenage angst, you start finding wrinkles and grey hairs (and why does no-one tell you where the grey gets to!!! What a shock!!!) xDxD:o :wacko:






And now I've lowered the tone. My appologies :(:(

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Guest MaryEMac

I've enjoyed a chuckle or two reading this thread. I also remembered sitting in my grannie's kitchen cutting up newspaper and threading it onto string to hang in the loo outside. As a child I can remember sitting on the toilet and a mouse ran over my foot :o . Dad fitted a light after that as I recall.


Rea I'm sure you will look great for the "do".

If hubby comments on a new top I always say that I found it in the wardrobe and forgot I had it. Works a treat.



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WHAT!!!! YOU HAD LOO PAPER?? Oh to be privilaged ( spl?)


so who remembers the greaseproof type, slippery stuff which was in folds and not on a roll??



As well as the more usual use, I used mine for tracing paper - we were definitely not posh enough to have that!



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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember wearing a liberty bodice to keep warm in the winter and thick navy knickers with a pocket in for my hanky and helping my mum make crackers for the fire with newspaper.



I have to ask ....... why have a pocket on your knickers for your hanky?? wouldnt you have to either lift your skirt up to get it or put your hand down your trousers???


Picture the sceen, your walking down the high street with your loved one (on a busy saturday afternoon) and you say "could you please hold my handbag darling while i get my hanky " and then in a blink of an eye you whip up your skirt and pull out a hanky from your pants and then blow your nose ....... imagine the looks you would get from other people never mind the look on your other halfs face



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