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E123 Tma01

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Some-one posted some guidelines about how to answer TM01. I had printed it out at the time for reference for when I do come around to starting this piece of work. Firstly of all, I am unable to locate that writer and secondly I must express my utter gratitude. It has clarified this assigment so well, identifying which study topics to concentrate on and as a result have completed two parts in just 4 hours last night. This would have otherwise taken me weeks. You are indeed so kind and knowledgeable.


I am also doing the first assignment on E124. Can I ask whether you have any guidelines for that unit???

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Some-one posted some guidelines about how to answer TM01. I had printed it out at the time for reference for when I do come around to starting this piece of work. Firstly of all, I am unable to locate that writer and secondly I must express my utter gratitude. It has clarified this assigment so well, identifying which study topics to concentrate on and as a result have completed two parts in just 4 hours last night. This would have otherwise taken me weeks. You are indeed so kind and knowledgeable.


I am also doing the first assignment on E124. Can I ask whether you have any guidelines for that unit???



That might have been the lovely suzybell, I think!!


I had my rough draft essay back yesterday, with some things to do on it, as I suspected, BUT my tutor put on the bottom of it that I should write a book, as she enjoyed what i'd written (she said she's never said that to any student before), so that was nice, wasn't it??

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yes, our tutor asked us to hand some work in early, for her comments, and as an idea of our writing style, so we did before half term.As i say we had them back yesterday and the final thing has to be in soon! so I'd best get busy too, as there are definately some 'tweaks 'and more work needed.Have to say though, I was so het up about it, I could have cried when I saw what she'd written! Calm down dear, it's only a degree........... :oxD

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OMG I love you !!!!!! Thanx for putting that on I was in a real rut with loadsa drafts and not happy with them, this looks bril i will study happily tomorrow :o


Denise xxx

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Tried to reply to your personal message without any success. The guidance had been e-mailed to me by my tutor. Had been unable to attend the tutorials. The E124 one is tomorrow, and there again i will not be able to attend. Wonder if she will send some guidance through. If she does l will ceertainly put it on the site.

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Hi Serenathanx that would be great, prob worth not going that information is soo helpful wish I had your tutor lol. if i ever get anything to help I'll let you know.When has your first TMA got to be in for is it 23/11


Denise xxx

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Yes, my date is 23rd. I had been hoping to get on with my work this weekend, but not much luck. I had been helping my little one to complete hers. She is also at uni and her deadline is tomorrow. Yes, l do agree with you, its not worth going to the tutorials if they are going to send me the guidelines. my E124 tutor is a different lady, so it will be quite interesting if she also e-mailed some notes.

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Hi Serena

I to had hoped to get it sorted over the weekend but everything that could happen to get in the way did lol got some spare time tommorrow so here's hoping.....

How did you get on with helping your daughter ?



Denise xxx

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Hi there,

Could I just butt in here and say that although you may be receiving helpful notes from tutorials, I really would try to make the effort to attend, as nothing beats actually being there, as part of the discussion. Any odd comment might be just exactly the trigger you need to get your mind working and it's good to get to know folk and share ideas and difficulties that may not have been mentioned. Other people may share worries but feel unable to say so publicly - these tutorials can be a great way of breaking the ice!

Good luck, anyway!


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Hmm - I agree with Sue R here. Apart from the social side of things, it's possible to be much more interactive in a tutorial - clarifying things you might not understand from a set of notes, etc. It's not possible to get the same degree of immersion in a topic from just reading a summary.


I'm also worried about posting the notes without your tutor's permission, Serena - so I've temporarily removed it. If your tutor would like to make contact with us to say that she's happy about this I'd be happier about seeing it here, although I think it would still be better for you to send them to individuals (in the manner of swapping notes with a classmate) rather than make it generally available.


Not being overly restrictive I hope, but we have always tried to be very careful not to take other people's work without their express permission! :o

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[Hi Steve,


I can see where you are coming from. I did try unsucessfully to send the attachment to one of the members. Hence, I tried the site.


Both tutorials fell on days that l had been unable to attend. I will try and attend some of the tutorials. i am doing 3 modules together and E123 and E124 clashes. E115 begins in Feb.


I have finished and posted my E123. My tutor advised that she would mark it but would be unable to give the results before Nov. 23rd.


I am now busy with my E124. I didnot receive any of the notes from her (lol).


Daughter got on fine with her assignment. It hasn't been marked yet. I now have three of my girls at uni. Husband and son are taking it easy.

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Husband and son are taking it easy!


That's what they are for. I'm actually both, so I try twice as hard!


No problem at all Serena - we just need to be careful about copyrighted material. If you'd like to PM me at some stage about the problems you've had with sending attachments via email or PM I'll be happy to help. :o

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i'm sorry all, was only said in jest about not attending tutorials, although the info was absolutely spot on and personally I find it easier to be able to read back on things discussed, I use the OU forums which are really helpful too.

I have attended my tutorils , travel from Birkenhead to Manchester for them, it is good to meet up with each other but I do recommend Ou forums also there's lots of info and help and you get to know people from all over the place


Denise xxx

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[This is a message for Denise (niceynoo).


Sorry l didnot reply to your email. Am internetless at the moment. I have only today got the use of the dial-up service. My broadband will be back in next 2 two wks. Changed telephone provider to an internet phone company and lost my phone line and my broadband connection.

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