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Gun/superhero Questionnaire


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I am going to try and attach my 1st draft of questions I would like to ask children in my setting to collect data for my research project. My aim is to find out their views on what they think they should be allowed to do/play with and what they want to play with/do.


Please be gentle, any comments will be used to improve the questionnaire.


The age group target are 4 year olds, some with English as an additional language


Thanks for your help


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Hi Wendles, I think most children would understand and be able to answer those questions, be careful that they are not in a big group when you ask them though or you'll probably end up with identical answers.

I did feel that the questions about superheros and guns may be a bit leading? Was that your intention? And is the questionaire for girls too?


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Hi Wendles, I think most children would understand and be able to answer those questions, be careful that they are not in a big group when you ask them though or you'll probably end up with identical answers.

I did feel that the questions about superheros and guns may be a bit leading? Was that your intention? And is the questionaire for girls too?



Hi Rea


I am going to try and do it individually (I have a consent letter for parents to sign first) I could put the superhero question last so it doesn't influence the rest of their answers. Your right about the guns, could I change it to what do your favourite thing to make with mobilo instead!?

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Some of your questions coiuld be rephrased so that the answer can not be a straight yes or no. eg how do you feel about choosing what to play with? Why do you think its important to have rules?

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Going by some of the children I've known, if they were asked what they like to make out of mobilo, or any other construction for that matter, they would not say guns. I think they are so well trained to understand that guns arent allowed in the setting(s) that lies are most likely to make an appearance.

Could you ask what they play at home, games with siblings, friends, family members? Might they give a more truthful answer if its something from their own territory? You can then ask if they make them at nursery or play those same games.

Course, I'm only guessing :o

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Thanks Rea, I think it is a good idea to ask what they play with at home.

In my setting the children are allowed to construct guns we just discourage them from shooting/killing each other, so they tend to be fire power or fire ball guns, or sometimes water too, these are the most popular.

Do you have a zero tolerance approach in your setting? If you do, do you have a policy?

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I work supply Wendles, I havent been to any settings who allow gun play and I had thought of asking why its banned. Is it a managerial decision, or individual staff members and its somehow caught on with everyone? It could be a council decision as some of the nurseries I go to are council run. Once I find out I'd like to know what the basis of the decision is, if they cite research I'd like to know who the research was carried out by and over how long a time period. Its extremley difficult to follow the party line as it were, when I personaly dont see anything wrong with it. The joys of supply! If I see gun play I ask the child(ren) involved if they play guns at home, if they say yes I give them a quiet reminder that homes ok, nursery isnt.

I watched the lads one day last week and didnt see any gun play at all, could they have learnt its not allowed or didnt they want to do it that day?

I never stopped gun play when I was playleader, occassionally children needed reminding that they couldnt shoot children who werent directly involved in the game, but otherwise I never had a problem with it. There was never a policy on it either. I and the staff I worked with, all had lads so maybe thats why there was never an issue with it, we were all in agreement, but then, I dont rememebr it ever arising.

I do sometimes find that the age of the staff can have a baring on it. Older staff tend to overlook it, younger staff tend to stop it. Not sure if thats right, just an observation from the settings I've been to.

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thanks Rea, I agree with your theory of it just catching on. Before I started my degree I never questioned anything I saw in various settings when I was on supply or even in permenant post. I didn't think I had the right. My attitude soon changed and so did my job!!!!!

I have found a policy on line that includes fantasy play and rough and tumble, I will have to check whether I can attach it, I can't remember where I saw it and it's getting late. I do have it printed out for my research so I will dig it out and try and get it to you if yo are interested.

Thanks again

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